massive memory leak, excess CPU usage
I looked up at iStatMenus in my menubar and noticed the little pie graph representing memory was much more filled than it should be - 1P is hogging a bunch of it. I know there are a bunch of ways that *nix calculates memory usage so it's difficult to know which number is "right", but Activity Monitor's summary table says 1P is taking > 11GB of memory.
ps shows the resident memory size of the offending process (pid 1861
) to be about 5.5GB (rss is shown below in 1K blocks):
$ ps -o pid,user,rss,command -ax | grep 1P 1861 rhornsby 5512268 /Applications/1Password 7 -psn_0_xxxxxx 39132 rhornsby 21964 /Applications/1Password
It's also consuming a way more than its share of CPU time (nearly 40 hours in 2 weeks of uptime):
501 1861 1 0 19Jul20 ?? 2308:20.65 /Applications/1Password 7 -psn_0_xxxxxx
Right now, Activity monitor has it hovering around 12-14% CPU.
Obviously, the most efficient solution is simply to kill and restart 1P. That's also the most brutal approach and least helpful to you guys.
I have enough memory I don't need to kill the process immediately, and everything is more or less behaving correctly AFAICT. Before I kill it to get the memory and CPU back, is there anything I can capture (without compromising encrypted data, obviously) that would help you guys in tracking down a possible memory leak?
1Password Version: 7.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.15.6
Sync Type:
Referrer: forum-search:memory leak
Hi @rhornsby!
Thank you for testing this! You could take a diagnostics report from your Mac and email it to us to Perhaps the logs will show something.
After you have sent the email, please feel free to post the ticket number you received so we can locate your message and connect it with this forum discussion.
Looking forward to your message!
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CPU 25% Always like this
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After restarting, the CPU is normal, but after a period of time, the CPU will rise. This situation has occurred twice
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If you see this raising again, please generate a diagnostics report from your Mac and email it to us to, so we can take a closer look at why this is happening to you.
After you have sent the email, please feel free to post the ticket number you received so we can locate your message and connect it with this forum discussion.
Looking forward to your message!
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I also see high CPU after "some period of time" fact it becomes the highest average CPU consuming app on my system, with an average CPU of 15-22% continuously at all times when 1P is fully "idle", only 1P mini running. Quitting 1P entirely and restarting it clears the issue, for "some period of time".
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Hi @Xipper
I'd like to get a sample from 1Password on your computer. The next time the issue occurs, please do the following:
- Open Activity Monitor from the Utilities folder of your Applications folder, or use Spotlight to find it.
- Search for "1Password 7".
- Select it and choose "Sample Process" from the Gear icon in the toolbar.
- When it is finished, save the sample to a file.
- Attach that file to an email to
Step 2 in particular needs to be done while the issue is occurring. A sample is a "snapshot in time," so to speak, so it will only be helpful if it is taken during the issue. Along with the process sample I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:
Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)
Please attach this report to the same email. With your email please include:
- A link to this thread:
- Your forum username:
That way I can "connect the dots" when I see your diagnostics in our inbox.
You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so I can track down the diagnostics and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)
Once I see the diagnostics I'll be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!
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I had collected the data with the 1P diagnostics tool prior to restarting 1P, when it occurs again I will try to remember to grab a sample.
Submitted as #QHK-88974-332
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1Password on my Mac is painfully slow when looking things up. Often I have to wait over a minute to use an entry. The problems appears to have started in the last 1-2 months. How do I fix?
1Password Version: 7.6
Extension Version: 7.6
OS Version: MacOS 10.15.6
Sync Type: iCloud or Agile - don't know...0 -
Hi @markrbarron
The next time this happens, or if you're able to reproduce it on demand, please send us the information I requested from Xipper here (replacing their username with yours). Thanks!
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As a follow-on to the above, our development team has indicated that we've made some changes we're hoping will improve this for v7.7 (currently in beta). If you'd like to try the beta you can learn more about that here:
Use 1Password beta releases
If you'd rather wait for the stable release, that's understandable. :)
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This content has been removed.
Thank you for letting us know. Have you sent us the logs already, as per Ben's instructions above?
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I too am seeing high CPU when idle. Just started noticing it this week. I don't have time to send in logs right now, but will try to do so later.
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Hey @Luhmann
We are aware of a performance issue in v7.6. We have some changes we believe will address the problem in the v7.7 beta. If you'd like to give the beta a try to see if it resolves the problem you can find instructions for that here:
Use 1Password beta releases
(instructions on how to get back off the beta are also included)
If you do try it, please let us know how it turns out. :)
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Using 7.7 BETA 8 and performance is substantially improved. Some lag when saving or deleting, but way better. CPU usage is still high at times, though. 100% (guess taking 1 core basically on Mac OS El Capitan)
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I just wish to add my name to the list of users experiencing this issue.
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Sending a sample to you. 1P constantly gives a SBBOD when I try and copy a password to use anywhere. It has used an order of magnitude more cumulative CPU time than kernel_task or WindowServer since boot. It has a LOT of ports open. It uses twice as much memory as my IDE.
It is truly painful to use without closing it down daily.
Ticket ID [#KWT-13127-288]
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Ticket ID [#KWT-13127-288]
Thank you! We will take a look and get back to you as soon as possible :+1:
ref: KWT-13127-288
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Same problem on my side. I will send the snapshot to
50-100% CPU when idle.0 -
@Ben I'm still on stable 7.6.
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Okay. Thanks for the additional information. This is a known issue in 7.6. We believe we've got it fixed up in the 7.7 beta. If you'd like to help us confirm that before the release of 7.7 you can find info on the beta here:
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When will the update be released - I too see high memory usage and "beachball" on Mac when opening 1Password and clicking to copy password for example. Not very comforting
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Hi. Any updates on when 7.7 will be released? I just found this thread after experiencing the same CPU and memory issues. I've turned on Beta releases and just updated but would much rather be running a stable build.