Just inadvertently upgraded to 1Password 7. Can I go back to 6?
Have been a happy 1Password 6 user for several years. I received an invitation to share a vault last week, which seemed to require me to install 1Password 7. For some reason, I thought I might be able to run both versions and just use 7 for the shared vault.
Of course, 1Password 7 seems to have upgraded my password database and 1Password 6 no longer works.
1Password 7 seems to have all kinds of troubles (unable to save a new password for example) and I am not being asked for credit card information whereas I had been using iCloud for 1Password 6 with no addition charges from AgileBits (aside from my original license).
Can I go back to 6? If so, how?
1Password Version: 1Password 6.8.9 (689001), 7.7 (70700016)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OSX 10.15.7
Sync Type: iCloud