Sometimes Chrome Extension is Unresponsive

Hey Agilebits,

I get this problem enough that it's become frustrating, but I don't know how to replicate it or see a pattern yet as to why or when this happens.

Sometimes when I click on the extension button, and then the right arrow button of the password entry under Fill Login, it does nothing. I see a quick flash or refresh of the arrow button icon that indicates that 1P is trying to to show my password details, but is unable to.

I close the extension window and try again, but it still doesn't help. What I have to do next is open the entire software to proceed. Note that this happens when I need to access my password information, not just merely logging into a site. Logging into a site is fine for the most part. This problem occurs at times when I need to copy a username, or manually copy a password, or see the notes associated with my account, etc.

Using Chrome on Mountain Lion Version 24.0.1312.57
Chrome Extension v3.9.9.39999
1PW is MAS version 3.9.6

Please let me know if I can provide any other details.


  • Hi @biomedEngineer,

    Do you use Chrome all the time to the point that you don't close Chrome longer than a day and keep it running even when you sleep the computer?

    How about the number of tabs and windows, do you use a lot of it?

  • BiomedEngineer
    Community Member

    MikeT, no I often close Chrome and usually have under 10 tabs opened. There's no pattern that I've seen regarding how heavily or lightly I use Chrome.

    It actually just happened again, and I noticed's what I did:
    1) I'm on this page and click the extension icon
    2) My login entry for this site shows up under Fill Login fine, and I can click the right arrow
    3) I type in another site's name I want to visit in the search bar and the right arrow doesn't work
    4) I tested with some other sites, the right arrow works

    For this particular instance, the problem seems to be associated with one single site's login entry. I believe 1PW somehow locks up that entry . The right arrow seems to work with all the other login entries. But no one login entry is the culprit: another may be locked up at a different time. That's the pattern I've noticed so far.

  • BiomedEngineer
    Community Member
    edited February 2013

    Ok, I think I figured it out. The problem seems to be related to the graphics or how the extension maps cursor coordinates. And it occurs when entry titles are long.

    I just had the problem again 5 minutes ago (you can see why I was frustrated with it happening so often). I noticed that just hovering my mouse over the right arrow icon causes the icon to keep refreshing (icon flashes white as the program is trying to redraw it on the screen). That's when I know I'm going to have a problem with clicking on it. I used to play games as a kid so my cursor pointing skills have served me well. I almost always click near the dead center of the icon (such as within the space occupied by the white arrow). When I get this problem, clicking within that space gives me the errors Ive been seeing.

    I just clicked outside that space, such as outside the inner round button, but still within the "moat" (the circle that encompasses the icon, giving it a 3D look) and it works. I would be able to access account info that way.

    Furthermore, I noticed that this problem occurs only for login entries whose titles are long enough to get truncated as they approach that icon's space at the right.

    So...long titles causes the right arrow of the extension to malfunction. But clicking just at the edge of that icon allows me to access account details as designed. Now that I know what's going on and can do a workaround, it's not as frustrating anymore. I hope this can be fixed in the next extension update.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reports.

    What happens if you use your keyboard shortcut to enter the item instead of the clicking on the arrow? To do this, use the down arrow to select the long title item and then the right arrow to enter it, does it lock up for you?

    I'm not able to reproduce it but I did see a few CPU % spikes. I'll ask our devs to look into it.


  • BiomedEngineer
    Community Member

    MikeT, using the arrow as you suggested works. Thanks for passing this along to the developers.

  • Very interesting, thank you for following up on it. We'll see what we can do to fix this.

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Mike asked me to take a look at it, and I just pushed a change that will hopefully fix the issue for you. It should be in a beta update soon (maybe not the very next beta but the one after that) and the next stable release. Basically, the arrow that appears when you mouse over the target item was positioned in a way that made the transition from slightly transparent to fully opaque "goofy" (That's a technical term.) in WebKit. I changed it to position the image using a different technique and so far I haven't been able to replicate the flickering that I saw before. Please keep an eye out for the next releases and let us know if you have better luck with the extension.

  • BiomedEngineer
    Community Member

    Sure will, I'll follow up after trying out the next stable release. Thank you both for taking care of this issue quickly.

  • Hi @BiomedEngineer,

    Thank us after you confirm the fix for us as we don't want to assume it's fixed yet. :)

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