I love 1Password offering to save NEW usernames and passwords. Can it stop on already saved logins?
The option for 1Password to recognize and save new login credentials is really nice and convenient. However, when I log into the same sites on an everyday basis it is exhausting to have it pop up every single time. I have tried just simply clicking the update button (even though there is nothing to update) but it still pops up. Is there anyway to have it only pop up if there is a NEW login recognized or something changed, and not for every single login?
1Password Version: 7.6.793
Extension Version:
OS Version: iOS and Windows
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I love 1Password offering to save NEW usernames and passwords. Can it stop on already saved logins?
Hi @woodrow2003!
In the Windows desktop app you are able to set specific domains where new or changed passwords should never be saved.
Maybe this helps a little?
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Hi @woodrow2003!
Can you let us know what website this is happening with exactly, so we can test it? Thank you!
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Thanks for looking into this and helping. It happens will all sites, outlook, stash.com, robinhood.com, mycmu.edu (online school), etc. Everything I log into I have saved in 1Password but every time I login it asks me if I want to save/update.
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Everything I log into I have saved in 1Password but every time I login it asks me if I want to save/update.
Strange thing. What about the URLs you have saved in these entries? Are this special links?
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It does the same thing to me. Every site, every login, every time, the save login dialog pops up! I'm on Firefox if that helps.
I seem to remember reading it was a bug that would get corrected, but it's been doing that for a long time now... It's the only really annoying thing.
My only other small pet peeve is that it saves the generated passwords as a password on top of saving it as a login, which leads to a lot of useless cleanup... I get the backup aspect of it, but I would like to disable it! :)
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If you create a brand new Login item on that website using these instructions, are you still asked to update the new Login every time?
I wonder if something changed on those websites since the first time you created the original Login item.
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I didn't use those instructions, when I log into a website for the first time the popup appears and asked me if I would like to save the login credentials and I click save. Then, every time I go back to that site and login the popup appears and asks me if I want to update the credentials (but I haven't changed anything. Even a simple page like Facebook and LinkedIn - I logged into them yesterday with the popup, and then today logging in the popup comes right back. It is everyday, everytime.
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If you create a brand new login item using the instructions Ana linked in her prior comment, do you still continue to see this issue? You can try doing so with just a single login for testing purposes.
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Hello again, yesterday I followed the instructions and logged into a website a couple times with no issue. Today, I log onto the same website and the popups came right back.
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Can you share the URL of this specific website? It would be nice if we could also test it and see if we can notice anything.
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I tried it on my Chase Bank account, my LinkedIn account, and my online school account https://compass.centralmethodist.edu/ICS/
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After attempting to these sites on our end of things, we're not able to reproduce the same behavior you're mentioning you're seeing.
Could you try using a different browser temporarily to see if this issue persists there as well?
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@Blake I tried this in Microsoft Edge as well with the same issues....
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If you're continuing to see this issue, could you shoot me and my team an email at support@1password.com so we could take a closer look at things with you there?
Once you email in, you'll receive a Support ID in an automated email in a reply to you. It should look something like
-- post it below and we will be able to "link" things up on our end. 😊0