Save Login items on the page where you intend to fill them

Community Member
edited March 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

When signing up for a web site you are generally taken to that sites "Registration" page to enter a name, newly generated password, etc. Then one clicks the "Done" button and it's all save to the 1Password app... wonderful!

The problem I have is the URL for the newly added site now in 1Password is the "Registration" web page, not the sites "Log on" page which is the URL that is needed the next time you want to logon. To date I've been manually going back into 1Password and changing URL to the sites "logon" page.

Is there a better process when registering a new site and adding it to 1Password that doesn't require me to to have to go back and change the URL?

Thanks! :-)


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    There is not a way for 1Password to "guess" what the URL for a site's login page will be. There are trillions of sites on the Internet and every one of them is different.

    We recommend only saving a Login item on the page where you intend to fill it (i.e. the site's login page rather than the site's registration page) since 1Password essentially "records" and then "plays back" the form data. Many sites use different field names (and obviously URLs) for their login and registration pages.

    Personally, I just turn off autosave and only manually save a new Login on a site's login page (using the + button in the upper right corner of the extension popup) when I want to actually save a Login. So my workflow:

    1. Generate a password on a new site's registration page and complete the sign up.
    2. Navigate to the site's Login page.
    3. Click the "View password history" button in the Password Generator and then click the password to fill it. Also fill in my username.
    4. Click the + button to save a new Login on the site's login page.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.


  • SBConsult
    Community Member

    Thanks for your quick response! Yes that helps! Your answer makes perfect sense considering the trillions of web sites out there. BTW, you guys do a heck of job dealing not only with the shear number of sites but also with the all bad and just plain dumb design decisions I constantly see made by developers.... wow!

    Take Care!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks so much for your kind words, SBConsult! I'm glad that everything is working well.

    Enjoy the rest of your week. :)

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