Always prompted to install Safari extension

Since I set up my new machine, every time I open 1Password, it prompts me to install the Safari extension. I know I can suppress the warning, but I’d rather actually install the Safari extension; every time, I choose “Install Now,” but it seems to have no effect.

Any idea what is going on?


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    It sounds like you are either running an old version of 1Password or there is an old component of 1Password somewhere on your system.

    To help us track down the issue more quickly, could you please send us a Diagnostics Report?

    In 1Password 3.8, just select Help > Troubleshooting > Diagnostics Report from the menu bar.

    If you are using 1Password 3.9 (from the Mac App Store), you'll need to follow the instructions here:

    Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support@ agilebits .com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

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