Feature Request: Anonymous Email

I've been trying to figure out the Chrome extension mess this afternoon when I ran across the following service: DoNotTrackMe (it has gone by a few names like DoNotTrackPlus) offered as a chrome extension. Their service differs significantly from yours (cookie blocking/privacy filters etc.), but they do offer something that really caught my eye.

You can mask your email - creating spam-resistant/1 use emails (like craigslist) - which run through their server and is forwarded to whichever master email address you choose. I looked through the threads here before posting, thinking something similar may already be a 1password option I had not known about, but cannot find anything. Am I missing something? As an avid fan of 1password, I would love to see this type of integration rather than starting something with a completely new (unknown/untrusted) service.


  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited March 2013

    Hey Jeff,

    Its not entirely anonymous but you can use the "+" trick within 1password and AFAIR 1Password at least use to support it. I have not tried it as of late as I do it manually myself.

    For example if you use a gmail account you could use "youremail+1password@gmail.com" and so forth. Some sites don't respect it though.

    Then if you get spam at that address you can set a filter to kill off all email to that address. Well once you change it again to something else or you could loose valuable emails etc.

    Hope that made sense. Let me know if it didn't.

    ps. So far I have been able to use the "+" with gmail (works well) and iCloud (work just about as well but occasionally I have had it bounce an email etc)

  • JeffAnshus
    Community Member

    Thanks so much for that work around - I've thus far used some combination of the "unrecognized gmail period" trick in gmail (user@gmail and us.er@gmail are both delivered to same inbox) or just set up a separate gmail account and allowed all the spam to just land there, but this is slightly different.

    If 1Password were to mask login emails (ex. by using the technology used in the password generator), the website would be able to respond to their consumer via email, but only if the email originated from the user. It puts control of the email back into the hands of the owner.

    The email address contact information couldn't be sold to any other data mining company because it would be worthless to anyone else. This is why companies moved from having "chosen" logins to using "email address logins" in the first place - verified data is much more valuable. Annoying activation emails are the final step in this verification. The website could still sell other data mined off of a consumer's interaction with their website (as governed by their terms and conditions), but that data couldn't ever be linked back to the actual consumer (unless the consumer chooses to give their 'real' email.)

    Imagine never having to create another 'fake email account'...I would love it.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    This is certainly a very interesting idea, and the services that are already available to offer this are great for some folks. Since 1Password is an encryption app, though — not a hosted service — we aren't really equipped to offer such functionality at this time. It would be very different from how 1Password currently works since it would require a server component. I don't want to speak for the developers, but as far as I know there are no plans to start our own mail forwarding service.

  • duswami
    Community Member

    I don't think you can send an anonymous email from a chrome extension or through the do no track feature. I've used incognito and it works pretty good, as for the do not track part. You can try using a website like silentsender.com to send an anonymous email. Their isn't a plug-in or extension for it though.

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