Multi-page login when both pages have the same URL

I access a banking site that asks for the username on page 1, and then asks for the password on page 2. Normally I would simply have two Logins, one for each page. However, both pages have the same URL, so when you execute Login 2, you wind up back where it wants the username again. Have tried. All the combinations of various fields in the Logins... alas, nothing seems to work. Any ideas?


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I'm sorry that you're having this problem. Please try saving a new Login manually like this:

    1. Enter your credentials on the first page, but DO NOT submit the form.
    2. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar, and select the "+" button in the upper right hand corner.
    3. Enter the password in the Login item's details before saving it.
    4. Step 3 is important, so I'll repeat it here. Enter the password in the Login item's details before saving it.
    5. Optionally change the title and make any notes.
    6. Click the Save button in the upper right hand corner.

    If you're still having trouble, please let me know the URL. I'd be happy to take a look.


  • ekanstroom
    Community Member


    Well, we are now much closer thanks to your suggestion, and perhaps as far as we can go. But, I thought I would ask anyway. As it is now, the Login, fills in the username on page 1, and takes me to the next page, placing the insertion point in the password field. When I select "Fill and Submit Login" from the extension, it proceeds and is successful. My great wish is to have the Login fill the password field and do the submit without any intervention on my part. I find the "1-Click Logins from the Bookmark Bar to be the best thing since sliced bread. All of my one-page Logins work just fine. So, I was hoping... I guess I am getting greedy. A 2-Click Login with a 16 character password that I don't have to remember will be just fine if that is all I can do now.


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    You will need to fill and submit the Login on each page. For your protection, 1Password will never fill and submit any information on your behalf without your explicit instruction to do so.

    ⌘\ is your friend. It is the keyboard shortcut you can use to fill and submit a Login on any page you are viewing. :)

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