new passwords

When i try to log in to this forum, for some reason, it brings down three options, i.e. facebook, google and something else.
why does it do this if I have this in my 1password account?

When I try logging into a bank, when it asks for my id, i have to put that info in by hand. Then it asks for your password. I don't remember it but when I try to use the 1password, it gives me the wrong password.

How can I enter the right information so that it shows up at the right time with 1password on pages such as this?

when I go to a new page to set it up, it might ask for questions, well, when I finish answering the questions there is no option to put in a password, how do I get 1password to make a password in the space that I need it to make one or do I make up one and then go to 1password and ask it to regnearate a password?

Does it continue to save passwords for the same website when those previous ones did not work?


  • imt
    Community Member

    I'll give it a shot at trying to answer.

    In regard to logging into this forum, are you sure that facebook, google and something else is showing up under the "Fill Login" section and just the "Open Login in a New Tab" section? You should see both sections. The reason you see the "Open Login in a New Tab" section is so you can select another site off the list, which will leave the Tab you are on open and open the new site in a new tab. But if you saved a login for this site, then it should appear under the 1st heading "Fill Login". I am using Chrome and not sure if you are sing Safari or other if it looks different.

    You "shouldn't" have to put the ID in manually. My bank is a two step process like most. 1st screen it asks for online ID or user name. You click the button to login and then you are presented with your sitekey and have to enter the password. You could click 1password on the site and select the account under "Fill Login" and it will enter the ID. Then when you are on the 2nd phase for password, do the process again and it will enter in the password. I also turn off auto submit by default since there are some sites I have run into where it doesn't work right and I also like some control. If you are having an issue with the fields being populated, it may be that the field names are not the default names for these types of fields used in 1password. Thus, the field does not populate. What you can do is right click in the field and select the option to "Inspect Element". In Safari you have to enable the "Developer Menu" under advanced in Preference to get this option. When you inspect the element you can get the field name. You have to open the 1password application and edit the particular account and you can add custom field names that correspond to the site. Sometimes a site can have different fieldnames for the same info on two different pages within a site. For example, I had an issue where the ID would not populate on the home screen for the bank but worked just find on the error page to try again. I looked up the field name from the 1st screen and changed it and fine ever since.

    When I use the 1password extension, I can also click the right arrow, next to the site under :fillin login" and can click on a username or password and click the copy button and then paste it in without having to type.

    In regard to the last part, I assume you are referring to registering on a new site for the 1st time? What I do is when I am presented with the password and re-type password fields, I click on the 1password extension and use the password generator. I select the options and before I click the fill button I actually highlight the generated password and copy "command + C" for extra insurance. There is weird instances on some sites where after clicking the fill button and going onto the next screen you are not prompted with the option to save the login into 1password. The copy of the password is insurance. While 1password does save generated passwords for sites I am not sure if it happens on a site like this that it would be saved ala my insurance. It has happened before.

    If the save login box pops up I know its set. Now chances are the password was saved but not the ID or username part. I then click on the 1password extension, click the right arrow next to the login name and then click the edit button on the top. I then can enter in the username/ID I used and be good to go the next time. I then usually log out and try and log back in. If the password doesn't work, I still have it in my clipboard from doing command+C. This however is not my preferred method. I usually do not save the login, when prompted when registering (after entering the passwords). I log back out and then do a full login entering the username and then pasting the password (I copied previously) and then save it this time when logging in so all info is populated correctly in 1 password. I also prefer this method since it saves the correct login page as the site address vs. the page that was used to enter the password during the registering process.

    There are also some site where 1password won't work. I have a couple of sites that opens a authentication dialog box to enter the username and password. 1password can't populate those fields. I then use the copy functions in the extension for the login and paste the user name and then password in the box.

  • Natuurliks Samms
    Natuurliks Samms
    Community Member

    okay. hum.. where do I turn off the remember password that is built into my computer. are you saying we can turn that off. That box that drops down on the left hand side? I still have issues logging into face book. For that one, the automatic one that comes with my computer takes over. I don't know why. this is why I don't like trying new things out. there are always bugs and things going on that i can't explain clearly to make the software work the way it does for everyone else. I still get an error box popping up on my screen when I first power up my computer. its' annoying.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    where do I turn off the remember password that is built into my computer.

    Instructions for disabling your browsers' built in password managers can be found at the end of the Why does 1Password want to save the same Login twice? support article. Disabling your browsers' password managers should resolve the issue with your Facebook Login. If not, try saving a new Login item for Facebook.

    1. Enter your credentials on the Facebook login page, but DO NOT submit the form.
    2. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar, and select the "+" button in the upper right hand corner.
    3. Change the title and make any notes (if desired).
    4. Click the Save button in the upper right hand corner.

    Using the above technique I was able to save and fill a sample login at:

    Manually saving a new Login can be useful for logins that are either problematic to begin with or were once working but have since stopped. Saving a new Login item allows 1Password to refresh everything it "knows" about the page. Login pages often change as websites are updated and this can be a necessary but very useful tip. :)

    I still get an error box popping up on my screen when I first power up my computer.

    Can you please post a screenshot? I know we have already been helping you via email, so if you do not know how to attach a screenshot to a forum post, you can just reply to the email discussion you've been having with Kyle and attach the file there.

    In fact, I'm going to close this thread for now so we can continue helping you via email to avoid so much duplication of efforts. It isn't very helpful for you or any of our other customers for you to have several different conversations going on with a bunch of different people on our team. It is best to just have one conversation so that each person doesn't have to try to track down all the other conversations to get up to speed on things. :)

    If you don't have access to your previous email conversation with Kyle (QGF-58121-726), you can send us a new email: support@ agilebits .com

    Thanks so much!

This discussion has been closed.