Feature Request: Custom Fields

Community Member
edited March 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

OK, I've been using 1Password on a Mac for a few weeks now. It's a good product, and I like it. If I could snap my fingers and invoke one additional feature, however, it would be templates.

When filling in vault entries (Logins, Wallets, etc), I find that the standard fields are incomplete. Where do I enter the CCV number for credit cards? Where do I enter the debit card associated with my bank account? Where do I enter the three security questions (and answers) that Apple might ask me when I log in? I know that I can enter these items in the unstructured Notes section, but this is not ideal. The answer, I believe, is to provide a capability for customers to define their own templates. Any chance of seeing this in a future release?



  • dgpitard
    Community Member
    edited March 2013

    That's a neat idea. The CCV number is there, though, as "verification number."

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the kind words and feedback, @pomme4moi! Custom fields are a version 4 feature. They have already debuted in 1Password 4 for iOS and will soon be available in 1Password 4 for Mac as well when it becomes available. :)

    If we can be of further assistance in the meantime, please let us know. We are always here to help!

  • pomme4moi
    Community Member

    Hi. When is 1Password 4 for Mac (with custom fields) expected to be available? Thx

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    We don't normally pre-announce release dates as too many factors (some beyond our control) affect them. Please stay tuned. :)

  • pomme4moi
    Community Member

    Thank you for your response. I purchased 1Password for iOS, downloaded it and looked at the custom fields implementation. It looks great. I can't wait to use it. All my password data, however, is in 1Password on my Mac. Since the Mac version does not yet have custom fields, I assume that I have to wait for the next Mac version in order to get the custom fields to sync properly between the Mac and iOS versions. I hope you release the new Mac App Store version soon!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Yes, I'm sorry if that wasn't clear from my posts above. "Custom fields are a version 4 feature. They have already debuted in 1Password 4 for iOS and will soon be available in 1Password 4 for Mac as well when it becomes available." :)

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