Dropbox-Mac sync no longer working

Today I realized that changes made to 1Password on iOS (4.1.2) are not syncing back to my Mac (and vice versa, changes on Mac don't sync to iOS). The iOS sync to Dropbox is successful, with any changes reflected when I open 1Password Anywhere. Under Preferences on my Mac, 1Password (3.9.6) is pointing to the correct, same location of my 1Password.agilekeychain that I use to access 1Password Anywhere. I've been using 1Password for years now and don't know what could have happened.

I saw this thread (http://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/11939/1password-for-ios-not-synching-both-iphone-and-ipad) on your forums, but am not sure if my problem is the same. 1Password continues to use the same directory on Dropbox that it has always used. The iOS app is definitely syncing to that same location since 1Password Anywhere is being updated, and Preferences would have me believe that the Mac version is syncing to that same location too. The thread seems to indicate that for those posters, 1Password is syncing to two separate 1password.agilekeychain files, which doesn't appear to be the case for me. I'm hesitant to start deleting anything for fear of losing something permanently.


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    To help us track down the issue more quickly, could you please send us a Diagnostics Report?

    In 1Password 3.8, just select Help > Troubleshooting > Diagnostics Report from the menu bar.

    However, since you are using 1Password 3.9 (from the Mac App Store), you'll need to download the 1Password Troubleshooting utility.

    Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support@ agilebits .com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

  • sherwell
    Community Member

    Thanks for your help. Chris from support contacted me yesterday. This morning, the problem has been resolved (hopefully permanently). I'm guessing my Dropbox folder was not being updated on my Mac, despite the toolbar icon indicating otherwise. Anyways, the problem was fixed when I unlinked the Mac from my Dropbox account and re-linked it. Thanks again!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2013

    Great news! Thanks for letting me know that everything is working well. :)

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!


  • ibcrosby
    Community Member

    I am having this same problem. I have unlinked and relinked my Dropbox account but passwords that I save on other devices don't show up in the 1Password app on my Mac. I have inspected the actual keychain object in my synced folder, and it seems to have entries relating to recently updated passwords on other devices, but they don't show up in the 1Password app on my Mac.

  • rjames86
    Community Member

    Hey ibcrosby,

    One good way to find out where the disconnect could be is to log on to your Dropbox account online at https://www.dropbox.com/. Go to the following location:


    and open the file 1Password.html

    You will then unlock your 1Password database. Check to see if the passwords that you have updated show up here.

    I recently came across a situation where all my iOS devices were syncing as well as one computer, but one computer wouldn't update when I would update passwords. What I ended up doing was deleting all of the 1Password cache and preference files. After doing that, I re-opened the 1Password.agilekeychain and everything showed up fine.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Good advice, @rjames86. I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Do the items show up in 1PasswordAnywhere (via the 1Password.html file on the Dropbox web interface), @ibcrosby?

    If so, what happens if you clear 1Password's cache (Help > Troubleshooting > Clear Cache)?

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