Changing from my old pw to 1passw new

I am following three minute instructions. Go to website, log in, go to change pswd. Generate password, Click on add and fill from browser extension. Log out. Choose website from login set and am taken to change password page! What am I doing wrong?

In browsing through questions, I am like alone and confused from Feb 26. This is my 2nd time to start over. I just don't get this portion of the app. Obviously it's the most important section! HELP


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    It sounds like you saved a Login item on the password change page, so the URL that was saved in the Login item will keep taking you back to that page. We recommend always saving Login items on the page where you intend to fill the Login in the future. In pretty much all cases that means the site's login page (not the password change page, not the registration page, etc.).

    What I'd do is just make a note of the password and delete the Login item and create a new one on the site's Login page. (If you filled a generated password using 1Password, then there is already a note of it in the "View password history" section.)

    If you have a working Login item, then the steps should be straightforward, but they assume that the URL is already correct for the Login item. If the URL is incorrect or there is otherwise some issue with the Login item, then creating a new Login item can be the best course of action.

    Just so we're on the same page, if you have a working Login item that is taking you to a site's login page (not its password change page) then following the steps here should work very well:

    Changing a Login’s Password

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!

  • farabee
    Community Member

    makes complete sense. I even changed one URL myself manually. So why isn't it in the directions!!

    Define Login item?

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Login items are all the items stored in the Logins category in the main 1Password application. They are also the top category in the browser extension.

    Each Login item normally contains a URL, username, and password to facilitate properly logging in to a specific website.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.


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