Popup box broken on Chrome

Scot Hacker
Scot Hacker
Community Member
edited March 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Lately I'm getting weird behavior when hitting Cmd-\ to bring up the 1P dialog in Chrome - the box doesn't render. However, if I then click the 1P icon on the Chrome toolbar, I get a second popup that IS rendered correctly. In this screenshot, the one on the left is the result of hitting Cmd-\ and the one on the right the result of clicking the toolbar icon. Any idea how to fix?


  • The same thing is happening to me and I have no idea how to fix it. It's fine on my Windows machine and my iPad, but for some reason on the Mac running the latest version of Chrome (but only OS 10.6.8), the plugin doesn't work.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I moved this post to the Mac Browser Extensions category. You are using a developer build of Chrome which is intended for testing purposes not daily use. The easiest solution is to switch back to the stable channel of Chrome. You can do this by simply moving your existing copy of Chrome to the trash and downloading the stable version of Chrome.

    Please see the post pinned to the top of the category for more information:

    Chrome 27 (dev, Canary) rendering issues

  • Scot Hacker
    Scot Hacker
    Community Member

    Bingo, that fixed it right up. Thanks Khad. It had been so long since I'd installed Canary, I forgot I was running it. Cheers!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2013

    No worries. It is my pleasure to help, Scot! Stay safe out there and enjoy the rest of your week. :)

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