My vault is empty when I log in on my laptop

I've logged in to my account using 1Password for Windows and using the extension for Firefox. No problems logging in but my vault is empty (even the login info for my new 1password community account, which I created a few minutes ago).

Fortunately, 1Password still seems to be working on my iPhone...

1Password Version: 7.7.818
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10 Home 19043.1237
Referrer: forum-search:empty vault


  • PeterG_1P
    edited September 2021

    Hi @AmyBees, that certainly isn't the way things are supposed to work. I'm sorry to hear of it!

    Let's do a quick test to figure out what's going on here. I'll ask you to try this:

    Test 1: Just the Windows Device

    This will test whether 1Password for Windows is consistent across unlocks.

    1. Unlock 1Password for Windows
    2. Create a new item (any kind you want) and name it synctest
    3. Lock 1Password for Windows
    4. Log back in. Do you see the item there?

    Test 2: Web to Windows

    Now, let's start investigating a possible disconnect between your 1Password for Windows app and your data elsewhere.

    1. Log into
    2. First, do you see that synctest item?
    3. Now make a new item called webtest
    4. Unlock your 1Password for Windows app and look for the webtest item in the appropriate vault.

    Did it make it there? In any case, we'll look forward to helping you get the apps back in harmony! Thanks for letting us know of the issue 😃

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