No auto-type in 1PW8?



  • elidor
    Community Member

    Hi @ag_mike_d

    thanks for the suggestion. I installed the beta version. Let me just walk you through what I did to make sure i did not use that feature wrong.

    I opened the windows application, searched for the correct 1Password entry by using Crtl+Shift+Space, opened the mini version with enter. After that it works right as you described. Rightclick on the username, select "Type in window" then select the window and it fills that one out, I have to press Tab by myself, then do the same thing for the password and press enter myself.
    I really don't know if that speeds up my workflow that much since my previous workflow was just to copy and paste the user and password...

    One suggestion for that manual "Type in window" feature: When rightclicking you have to open the submenu to select the open windows. They are sorted in a way the most recent used window is shown at the top. But the 1Password Mini Window is always the first entry even if I do not select the window before rightclicking. I never want 1Password to enter a Password in itself, so it would be great if that was not the first entry.
    For making the workflow event better I would prefere if just clicking on the menu point "Type in window" would type in the window that was last active. If i want another window I can still hold my mouse over that point and open the submenu.

    In conclusion I don't think that feature would make my workflow faster since copy and paste is not really slow. But at least we now know that 1Password is able to see the windows names and to type for the user. Now we just need to map a password to a windowname, add a Tab and Enter and start that sequence by pressing a shortcut ;)
    If I used that feature wrong, please correct me, I am always looging for optimization in my own workflow.

  • Hello @elidor,

    Thanks for sending along your additional details about your workflow and these suggestions. Based on those details, you are using the feature correctly, but I'm sorry to hear that this hasn't improved your workflow.

    Related to your comment about the 1Password window always appearing first in the list, the team is currently looking at ways to improve the contents of this list.

    While I have no additional news to share, I previously added your voice to our feature request for an Auto-type feature in Quick Access. We appreciate your feedback!

    ref: dev/core/core#17987
    ref: IDEA-I-193

  • Hello @elidor,

    I just wanted to touch base with you quickly and let you know the team has made improvement to the latest Beta. The 1Password app no longer appears in the list of apps shown when using “Type in window”: 1Password for Windows 8.9.7-31

    Use 1Password beta releases

    Have a great day!

  • matt789
    Community Member
    edited October 2022

    I'm a long time Keepass user evaluating 1password. There is much I like about 1Password (including the great whitepaper), but I was very surprised to find that such a critical feature at auto-type was not available. I frequently used the rich auto-type feature in Keepass including the great windows matching options. The simple macro-like capability is also a must have (type just password, username and password, keystrokes to navigate between username and password field, press enter to submit login, etc).

    Time will tell if this is a deal breaker for me. Please add a vote for auto-type (with automatic window matching).

  • Hello @matt789,

    Thanks for your feedback and kind words about 1Password.

    As requested, I have included your vote for the auto-type feature. I have no additional news to share, but this is something we'd like to see implemented into Quick Access. Please keep an eye in our release notes for new features: 1Password Releases.

    Have a great day!

    ref: IDEA-I-193

  • SirDaxALot
    Community Member

    It's a required feature and it's present in most competing tools -- a big disadvantage 1password if they do not provide it.

  • jonashilmersson
    Community Member

    I also want to vote for this feature!



  • Hello @SirDaxALot and @jonashilmersson,

    Thanks for your feedback about the implementation of an auto-fill feature. This is on our roadmap, but I have no further news to share. Our 1Password releases page will be the best source for updates and new features like this. We appreciate your patience!

  • JannSchulte
    Community Member
    edited February 2023

    I want to bump this feature, too! - Coming from KeePass, this is an absolute dealbreaker!

  • Hello @JannSchulte,

    Thanks for your message and interest in an auto-type feature in 1Password 8. Please watch our 1Password Releases page for feature updates!

  • mam2023
    Community Member
    edited August 2023

    Hi It's been 6 months again since the last update. I see that there is a feature called "Type into window" in the latest beta, but it doesn't work like the free feature in Keepass. Not all apps are listed when I select "Type into window". I hope you improve this feature as it works in Keepass.

    In Keepass I do not have to choose in a List of apps. I can focus on the Window / App I would like to Auto-Type and this Feature is missing.

  • Hello @mam2023!

    Thanks for your message about an auto-type feature in 1Password.

    We currently have Universal Autofill available for Mac, but this is not yet possible for Windows devices. This continues to be on our roadmap, but I have no new updates to share.

    Not all apps are listed when I select "Type into window".

    As you've mentioned, Type in Windows is the best option available at this time and would like to better understand the troubles you are experiencing. Could let us know what apps are not appearing when selecting this option? Or, does the list seem to be limited by the number of apps you have open? Do you have several apps open at the same time?

    I'm looking forward to your reply.

  • CrustyPistachio
    Community Member

    +1 for this feature.

    My employer has a bunch of Java applications that I have to copy/paste my credentials into the login form all day.

  • mkcom
    Community Member

    +1 from me.
    Since i own a MacBook, i really love this feature.

  • FECV
    Community Member

    When i tested 1Password i noticed that the Windows Security box was not available for auto fill on windows. That was a deal breaker along with not being able to create custom fields to type in. With KeePass i can completely customize what is typed. That is key and the gold standard here. Not every website or entry is just going be looking for just Username and Password. I have a bunch that have extra variables that are needed.

  • Hello folks,

    Sorry for the delay in response here. @CrustyPistachio / @mkcom, thanks for the +1's.

    @FECV, we appreciate the additional feedback and details about your current use case. I'm sorry to hear this is a deal breaker.

    I've added all your feedback for the Product team's review and consideration while they look in to ways of bringing an Autofill feature to 1Password for Windows.

    In the meantime, the best alternative is the Type-in-window that can be accessed by right-clicking the credential fields in the 1Password for Windows app.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions.

    ref: PB 35435203
    ref: PB 35435314
    ref: PB 35435410

  • ITJonny
    Community Member


    Hello together

    We are also currently testing 1Password for our company.
    Unfortunately, we are also missing the auto-type function for applications.
    This would be really handy if it could be built in.

    Which we use for all applications (RDP, Puty, VMware vSphere, etc.).


    Screenshot1 - RDP, Puty, etc.)

    Screenshot2 - Browser, etc.:

    Best regards

    PS: The other thing that jumped out at us is why does the tag structure (folder structure of KeePass) look so good in the client fat GUI and so bad in the web GUI?
    With slightly longer folders or folder structures, you can no longer use this on the web without endless scrolling and the sidebar cannot be resized. Doesn't it make more sense for the Web GUI to be as similar as possible to the Fat GUI?

    Screenshot3 - Tag Structure (App & Web):

  • mam2023
    Community Member

    I don't see some Published Application from citrix

  • Hello @ITJonny,

    Please excuse the delay in response. I've passed the +1 along to the product team for you about the request for an Auto-Type function within the 1Password for Windows app. Thanks for letting us know this would be useful.

    With regard to the tag structure, the team is continuing to look in to adding the functionality to collapse nested tags. I have added your feedback about this to the issue we have filed with the development team.

    I don't have any further news to share on these topics, but would suggest keeping 1Password up-to-date or watching 1Password Releases for the latest news about updates and fixes.

    Have a great day!

    ref: PB 37382084
    ref: dev/core/core#8161

  • phdoe
    Community Member


  • Hello @phdoe,

    Thanks for your +1 for the auto-type feature in 1Password for Windows. I've filed a feature request with the product team on your behalf.

    Have a great day!

    ref: PB 37524476

  • Res260
    Community Member

    Keepass has a feature where you enter the shortcus ctrl + alt + A and it detects the active window's title, find what password entries is associated with the given title (can be a regex), and types the username + tab + password + enter.

    This feature is great and saves a ton of time for non-browser apps.

    I switch blizzard accounts daily to play with friends and each time i have to open 1password, copy user, paste user, copy password, paste password. It sucks, I'd rather setup it once, then use a shortcut to make it autotype :)

    1Password Version: 1Password for Windows 8.10.23 (81023003)
    Extension Version: N/A
    OS Version: Windows 11
    Browser: N/A

  • Hello @Res260,

    Thanks for comment. I've merged your message in to this thread that is discussing an autotype feature for OPW.

    I've mentioned above, this is something the team is looking in to and I've passed along your comments to the Product team.

    We appreciate your feedback! Let us know if you have any other suggestions.

    ref: PB 37725048

  • BBK
    Community Member

    Another vote for KeePass like auto-launch-and-login to RDP (as described here and in other posts:

    Not sure how useful autofill would be for me, but it would be better than nothing. I'd prefer it just... open.

  • Hello @BBK -thanks for your +1. I've included this for the team.

    ref: PB 37779976

  • znre
    Community Member

    2.5 yrs later. You guys are still "looking into" this very useful feature?

  • david.m_1P
    edited February 2024

    Hi @znre,

    Thank you for reaching out to us regarding auto-type in 1Password for Windows!

    I'm happy to share that we've recently released an update in the 1Password for Windows Nightly version that includes the auto-type feature. You can find more details on this in the following community thread:

    You can switch over to 1Password for Windows Nightly to test the new feature using the following steps:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password for Windows.
    2. Click on your account name in the top-left corner of the app window, then select "Settings".
    3. Click Advanced in the sidebar.
    4. Click on the the Release channel option and switch to the Nightly channel.

    We appreciate your patience, as we know that this is an important feature to many people, and we hope to introduce this feature to the Beta and Stable versions in the future. Please note that nightly releases are experimental, so they may contain more bugs.

    Let us know if you have any questions or feedback you'd like to share!


  • znre
    Community Member

    This is great news!

  • david.m_1P
    edited February 2024


    Thanks again for sharing your feedback! Your feedback is vital in order to recognize what features will improve the experience for users, so I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us.

    If you do decide to install the nightly version in order to test out the new auto-type feature, and would like to share any additional feedback, I recommend sharing it in our Labs thread and filling out the auto-type survey, so that our development team will have direct insight into your thoughts about the feature.

    Let me know if you have any questions!


This discussion has been closed.