Can I move the 1Password folder in Dropbox?

That it created for syncing? I'm syncing two macs and several iOS devices. The folder it created is at the topmost level and I wanted to bury it for safety etc. Can I do that? If so, is there a procedure to follow that will ensure all syncing will keep working etc?



  • thightower
    Community Member


    You posted in the Mac App Store version of 1Password, going by that you cannot move the folder, this is due to Apples Sandboxing requirements 1Password has to apply for an exemption to access file systems out side the sand box. When applying for that exemption 1Password has to state specifically what files / folders they will be accessing, thus they choose a 1Password folder at the Dropbox root level.

    I think I heard khad the other day state the team was working on an update that will allow the user to set the folder themselves, so that may be what you are looking for.
    I saw that post in passing so before taking my word on it. I would wait on one of the team to jump in and make doubly sure on that future update.

  • Soundhound
    Community Member

    Thanks! Do you think it matters for the moment where that folder is? Dropbox is theoretically secure, but the idea of 1password is to hold information you want to be very secure, and every little bit helps I suppose...

  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited April 2013

    No I personally don't think it matters.

    Your keychain is protected by encryption (Master Password) I feel entirely safe with my keychain being in that folder and countless other 1Password users also have that location for there keychain.

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    There are two places where the App Store version of 1PW can store its info. One is in the Dropbox folder, the other is in a standard place whose exact location (since I don't use the App Store version) I can't recall, but it is something like ~/Library/Application Support/Containers/1Password

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Security through obscurity is no security at all. Trying to "hide" your data file won't really add any appreciable security beyond the AES encryption and PBKDF2 key strengthening that actually protect your data. :)

    I won't bore you with all the details of the Agile Keychain Format which uses a combination of the OpenSSL library, CommonCrypto, or Windows cryptography libraries (depending on platform and version) for all of its encryption and key generation needs. However, you can read about that in our Agile Keychain Design document if you're interested.

    One of the best ways to show just how strongly your data is protected is by pitting 1Password against the pre-eminent password cracking tool John the Ripper. We've done just that not too long ago.

    Your secrets in your 1Password data are safe wherever they are stored. Although we don’t recommend making your 1Password database publicly available to the world, we have designed it so that your username and password data (along with other secret data stored within it) is protected no matter whose hands they fall into. For this and other reasons we are very confident when we recommend cloud syncing of 1Password data with Dropbox. Our "Security of storing 1Password data in the Cloud" document goes into increasing detail about the security measures in place and issues surrounding them.

    Some of the key points from the document:

    1. Your master password is never transmitted from your computer or device.
    2. All 1Password decryption and encryption is performed on your computer or device.
    3. The 1Password data format was designed to withstand sophisticated attacks if it fell into the wrong hands (cf. John the Ripper blog post above).
    4. Dropbox provides an additional layer of encryption.

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!

  • Damon
    Community Member

    "I think I heard khad the other day state the team was working on an update that will allow the user to set the folder themselves, so that may be what you are looking for."

    I would love to see this, but more importantly I would like to see a standard directory structure, because I use Dropbox syncing for several other apps, like Transmit. Seems like a lost cause, but thought I would throw it out there.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for following up on this, @Damon. I'll pass your vote along to the developers as well. :)

    Please let me know if there is anything else we can help with in the meantime. Thanks!

  • SuperAxman
    Community Member

    Hello All,

    Khad, I also vote for being able to put my 1password file in a specified folder. However for another reason. I use a different dropbox login for my work computer then I use for home/ipad/ipone. By placing it in a folder, I could share that with myself at work instead of giving all access to my personal dropbox folder. Unless there is another way to do this. I am open to suggestions.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni


    Since you already purchased 1Password on the Mac App Store, we would be happy to provide you with a 1Password 3.8 license key if you email us your Mac App Store receipt.

    support@ agilebits .com

    You can download 1Password 3.8 from our website:

    Aside from sandboxing, there are not really any substantial differences. Most users never run into this problem as they use the default Dropbox folder location, but in your case "sidegrading" to 3.8 is an option. It is not a downgrade. 1Password 3.8 and 3.9 have been developed in tandem and only have different version numbers for technical reasons.

  • SuperAxman
    Community Member

    Hello @Khad,

    Actually, I am running the downloaded version: Version 3.8.21 (build 32009). My question was about where 1Password stores the Angilebits KeyChain on Dropbox. Can the Key chain be moved to a folder where I can then share that specific folder with my Work Dropbox account so I can access those keychains on my work computer without giving work access to my Whole Personal dropbox? Does this make sense?

    Thank you for your support.

  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited August 2013


    The keychain should in most cases is now located in "~/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain"

    You should be able to share the 1"Password" Folder between accounts. This is how the wife and I share a keychain across separate Dropbox accounts.

    So if yours Currently is "~/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain" You should have no problem moving it into a folder for sharing. You will have to update the preferences etc to match .

    What I would suggest is copy the keychain to the new folder, then move the original out of the Dropbox folder to your desktop for the time being. Then set the preferences on one machine to match, then set the preferences on the second and so forth. Once you are sure everything is working properly, syncing etc. Then you can remove the old keychain from the desktop by placing it in the trash and securely emptying it.

    Makle sure to remember to update the iOS apps etc if you have them and they also sync to the proper keychain.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Sorry for any confusion, @SuperAxman. You are posting in a thread for the Mac App Store version of 1Password (3.9). You can move the file wherever you want within your Dropbox folder. Just make sure that you quit 1Password first, and then double-click it in Finder to activate it in 1Password after you move it. Then just share the folder containing your data file with another Dropbox account.

  • SuperAxman
    Community Member

    Thanks @khad and @thightower. It worked like a charm and sorry for being in the wrong room, I used google to track down a similar thread to my questions and here I was.

    Thanks again for all your help.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Great news! Thanks for letting me know that everything is working well. :)

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!

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