Install Browser Extensions menu command doesn't do anything

Bernhard at Lake Constance
Bernhard at Lake Constance
Community Member
edited April 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Just for your information, no action required:
There seems to be a problem when downloading one password from the app store.
Download/ installation work without any problem, but the browser extensions are not available.
Hitting the menu "inatall browser extensions" does not result in any action, Extensions are not installed and not available neither in Firefox nor Safari.
Instead these extensions have to be manually downloaded from your website and manually installed.
This is not very easy for normal users.
I assume there is something wrong with the installation file of 1password in the App Store...???


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Hey Bernie,

    The "Install Browser Extensions" menu command opens the extension download page in your default browser. In order to instal the extensions in other browsers simply copy and paste that URL. There is certainly room for improvement here, but I think the thinking was that anyone who would use more than one browser would know how to copy and paste that link into another browser. Or if you just use an alternative browser as your default then the link would open right in that browser. :)

    Thank you for your feedback! I'll make sure the developers receive it so we can improve.

  • Hi Khad,
    Unfortunatelly in this Case (a Friend to whom I recommended your product desperately asked for my help) the browser did not show after hitting the menu "install browser extensions". I installed 1pwd on my Mac over 2 years ago and I don't remember any trouble with the browser extensions. So maybe something has changed over the years. I am using FF and Safari and what I remember is that in the old days 1pwd installed the required extensions directly

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    You mean that the "Install Browser Extensions" menu item was completely nonfunctional? Nothing happened when it was selected? Do you have access to the machine where you saw this? I wonder if somehow the default browser was set to "nothing" somehow. If that is even possible then links from other apps wouldn't open either. I'm curious to know the results of testing, but it sounds like it may have been on a friends Mac which is no longer immediately available. If so, I'm sorry to hear that as it sounds like an interesting situation.

    Please let me know.

  • Quote:"You mean that the "Install Browser Extensions" menu item was completely nonfunctional? Nothing happened when it was selected? "

    Exactly. I also moved the curser over the 1PWD window to see if there were hidden links in the text. I checked that FF was selected the default browser and also checked the FF Add-Ons - no 1PWD extension. We rebooted twice and hit the 1PWD menu "Install Browser extensions" again and again - nothing happened. Therefore I finally manually installed the extemsions via your website - then everything worked fine.
    Unfortunately I dont have access to that machine anymore.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    It would be nice to have some more details. If anyone else reports this I'll try to post back here with any details I find out. So far, this is the only case I've ever heard of this, so it is nearly impossible to say what the issue was. My guess is that it is related in some way to the setting of the default browser, but without being able to troubleshoot I truly am just guessing.

  • Another friend called me having problems with 1PWD, so I will visit him next week and check if she has got the same kind of problem...I´ll keep you informed.
    Question: Is the contents of the installation files or the kind of installation different via AppStore vs your site?
    How are the extensions installed in the 2 cases (AppStore vs Agile-site) according to spec?
    My installation of 1Pwd is just too long ago, all I remember is that it all went with no problems - I clarified a few minor issues via this forum that time.
    Another minor issue: Since I updated FF to ver 20 I cannot post anything in this Forum via FF (I use Safari now). I could send you the screenshots if you tell me how (or you give me your email addr via my email)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    The procedure is the same in both 1Password 3.8 and 3.9. Here is the screenshot from 1Password 3.8:

    And here is the screenshot from 1Password 3.9:

    You can contact us via email at any time: support@ agilebits .com

    Or use any one of a number of image hosting services to post an image here on the forum. I use and recommend Skitch myself since it combines screen capture and image hosting in to one easy to use app. :)

  • Hi Khad,
    the problem I had with posting anything in this forum via FF is caused by the Addon NoScript. That version (NoScript seams to have an error together with FF Ver20. Even when your URL is in the positive list of NoScript it blocks the posting fields - pretty stupid error. So, no need for sending the Screenshots.
    Regarding the other problem (installing extensions) I will make sure I have selected a default browser before I touch 1PWD. As said above, I will keep you informed.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Cheers! Thanks for following up.

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