Firefox keyboard shortcut does not direct to the correct window [resolved in 3.9.13.b3]

Community Member
edited April 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Mac OS X 10.8.3
1PW 3.9.6
1PW Extension 3.9.10.b2

When in Firefox 20 private browsing mode, if you use the keyboard shortcut Cmd+\ to invoke 1PW to navigate to a site, 1PW loses focus and all keyboard entry occurs in the browser window. When the 1PW dialog is invoke in this way, you cannot enter anything in it. However, if you click on the 1PW toolbar icon you can maintain focus and type in the 1PW dialog.


  • GregMcD
    Community Member

    UPDATE: In addition, if 1PW is locked prior to entering private browsing mode, you cannot unlock it. You must unlock first in normal browsing mode. Moreover, if unlocked no 1PW keyboard shortcuts seem to work in private browsing mode.

    (I incorrectly entered the keystroke combination in initial post — should have been Ctrl+Cmd+)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2013

    The keyboard shortcuts (both ⌘\ to "Fill and Submit" and ⌥⌘\ to show the extension popup), filling, and autosubmit are all working well in Private Browsing mode in Firefox in my testing.

    It sounds like you may be experiencing a known issue related to multiple Firefox windows being open at once. If so, it is unrelated to Private Browsing. Please let me know if that is the issue. Does the problem occur if you only have one Firefox window open?

    Please let me know. Thanks!

  • GregMcD
    Community Member

    Beginning with Firefox 20, when you go into private browsing mode it always opens up a new window. This behavior is quite different than previous versions of Firefox. The new method creates a private browsing session in one window in addition to the regular session in another.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    In my testing it replaces the current window rather than creating an additional one, so the issue I thought it was may not apply. That said, the issue I thought you were describing has been resolved in the latest beta version of the Firefox extension. Please install it and let me know if you are still having trouble. If so, the issue is a different one, and I'll need more details from you in order to better understand it. An enumerated list of the exact steps to reproduce would be really helpful including the (1) expected and (2) actual behavior.

  • GregMcD
    Community Member

    That fixed it. Great work. Thanks!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Great news! Thanks for letting me know that everything is working well. :)

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!

This discussion has been closed.