Comments on latest beta



  • rctneil
    Community Member

    Hi @dteare

    Hope you're enjoying AGconf!

    In regards to the password generator. I feel that an application that has password management as its main focus should be capable of generating a password but potentially having an option to both save it into a new or existing item OR not saving it and just copying it to the clipboard.

    I can see the risks and understand them. Maybe, saving should be default but an option to not save, and just copy to clipboard would be very useful.

    One use-case here. I have the need to generate passwords on a very regular basis for our clients. I have no requirement to save these passwords. I just need to generate, communicate it to the client in some way and then forget about it. I have no need for it after that point. This feature would be perfect for this. Currently I use that 3rd party web app to acheive this and it works perfectly, but I would prefer to use 1Password.

    Another use case, is when i need to generate a password for a database, a login or something else, or even multiple passwords all for different parts/areas of something. I typically generate them, temporarily store them in a quick note that I have (using the Unclutter app). Once the new "thing" is set up, I open 1Password, create a new item and add those passwords in an organised fashion into it.

    This seems to help me not end up with random items created without me knowing throughout my vaults. I;d prefer to keep things tidy and organised.

    Please please please push the fullscreen issues up your fix list, they are driving me insane. There's quite a few that I keep hitting.

    Most recently, if I am in a full screen app like Chrome (as I am right now) and I open 1Password, it opens up in a window ontop of Chrome (which itself is wrong as it was closed in fullscreen mode so it should open in fullscreen mode), but the menu bar still shows "Chrome" at the top left and not "1Password". So in effect, 1Password is in focus but the menu bar and menus are all Chrome related because Chrome is the fullscreen app.


  • AGConf has been going swimmingly well, @rctneil. Thank you for the well wishes. 🤗

    I hear you on the primary focus of 1Password is password management, but to me the important part of that is keeping your data safe & private while being reliable and available. Providing the option for passwords to be lost so easily doesn't fit the bill here. We have to be opinionated in this regard and need to find ways to minimize situations like the 25k in lost crypto I mentioned above.

    From hearing your use cases (thank you for sharing!) I think there's a better solution that will allow us to have our cake and for you to enjoy it, too. Our new sharing feature enables you to securely share 1Password items with anyone and would work perfectly for your first use case of generating passwords for clients.

    Here's an example of how a shared login could look:

    Shared link to a sample client login

    You can see how your client could really enjoy this as it's super simple to copy the password, as well as the username and website. Or websites so you can include your buymeacoffee link, too. 🙂 There's also room for a nice note from you or to add instructional videos and one-time passwords if you'd like. You can also protect these links so they can only be viewed for a limited time or require email validation. Your clients also need to store this information securely themselves so there's a handy Save In 1Password button available for them to use there as well.

    To keep things tidy you could create a vault specifically for your clients called Clients and tag the items like what I showed in the example share there.

    I think this could work pretty well and wish I had this available to me when I was doing client work back in the day.

    As for your second use case of wanting to avoid the creation of the item until you have everything ready, I could see how that workflow could work as I do similar things with my thoughts on blog posts before "promoting" them to a full blown Bear document. I can also see how this could go sideways and end up in a data loss situation. I'd recommend you try exploring other options that would allow you to save the password in 1Password while still satisfying your "completionist" itch. OTOMH I could see having a separate vault named Scratchpad for these types of things, or perhaps a tag like TODO or similar. Obviously it's your work flow so you need to find what works for you but these were the thoughts that came to my mind on how to allow 1Password to do what it does best and remember your secrets for you.

    Regarding fullscreen mode and the issues there, I hear you and wish I could do exactly what you ask. I'll be point blank and say we're not working on them at the moment and the harsh reality is we have a lot of plates in the air currently so I simply don't know when we'll be able to prioritize those issues. Hopefully we'll be able to but I didn't want to give you any false hope that it's coming "soon". We are hiring and growing the team so hopefully I will be able to change my answer to "Ok" in the not-to-distant future.

    Take care Neil, and enjoy the rest of your week.

    1Password Founder

  • We might have a present in next week’s beta for you, @rctneil. Mitch was poking around to fix a full screen issue and it looks like he was successful! 🙌 I’m going to test it tomorrow and if all goes well we’ll get it into your hands to verify on Tuesday. Stay tuned. 😀


  • rctneil
    Community Member

    @dteare OMG! I very much look forward to trying it out to see if it solves the issues i've been hitting with Mac Full Screen Mode.

    If so then maybe I should launch ?

  • My testing went pretty well so @Mitch's code has been merged. 🙌

    This will be included in this week's beta. Assuming our testing goes well tomorrow it should be published on Tuesday. Please give it a go and let us know how it turns out.


  • rctneil
    Community Member
    edited February 2022

    @dteare @Mitch I certainly will! Does this also ensure that if 1Password is in fullscreen mode and is closed, then it will open back up in fullscreen mode?

    @dteare Apologies about not replying to your post above. I need to re-read it and get back to you. Things are pretty hectic right now though.

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