Changing existing password for existing username instead of saving another login item

is there a way to configure 1P to do that when logging into site with different password than the one stored in 1P? it's getting very annoying to manually change passwords or to save a new login item only to see several of them later on with the same username, and don't forget they all look exactly the same. So, is there a way to change this? Please tell me there is and I just didn't look hard enough because it's driving me crazy. Thanks!

P.S. lastpass asks if I want to change existing password in this situation or if I want to create a new login. I want 1P browser extension to do the same


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    There is definitely room for improvement in the workflow for changing passwords. I can't leak any details just yet, but please stay tuned.

    For now, you shouldn't ever have a duplicate created unless you explicitly tell 1Password to save a new Login item. If you follow the steps in the User Guide, you won't be creating a duplicate:

    Changing a Login's Password

    Please let me know if you are still having trouble even when following the steps in the User Guide. We'll keep working to improve the extension, and I'll try to post back here when I have some good news for you. :)

  • kationok
    Community Member
    edited June 2013

    I know it's been a while since I noticed this issue but it still behaves the "wrong way" so to say. I hope you guys are working on it and it's going to be changed real soon.
    Yes, I know that I can use new password generator to update existing password stored in 1p but that's not what I want, or at least that's not the only thing that I want. Sometimes I need to change site password on different computer without 1p available and in that case, next time I login into the site I need to manually enter new password. I don't want to change it again on the site, I just want to change the 1p copy of the password, nothing else.

    Just now, I logged into a site typing in the login information myself and 1p chrome extension, instead of asking me if I want to update the existing login, it asked me if I wanted to save a new one. There is no ability to select an update on existing data. After I saved the new login I found 2 login entries in 1p and both looked exactly the same. In order to get rid of the old one, I needed to go into each of them, update the name, then delete the one that I didn't want. It's way too much manual intervention to something that should be there in the first place. Please, pretty please don't put it off for too much longer, it's one of the more annoying things in a great app.


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Right now just don't save a Login item if you are prompted to save one. Just go to the password history, copy, and paste into the existing Login item as described in the User Guide. You can save yourself the hassle of sorting out and deleting duplicates if yo udon't save them in the first place.

    I agree that this is not ideal. I wish I could leak some details about the future, but please keep an eye out. I think you will be pleased.

  • kationok
    Community Member

    sweet! :)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni


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