Request new record type : Domain


For many years, I use 1Password. Good stuff - thanks!

Please add the record type: Domain. With the ability to record the properties of the domain, hosting, FTP, etc.

Thank you!



  • Hi @aat,

    In 1Password 4 for OS X, you will be able to create Logins with custom fields, so you can add those domain properties if you want to the Login item.

    We do want to allow you to create custom categories in the future, so you could create the Domains category, without relying on us to add it for you. I don't have a timeframe on when you might see this.

    Thanks for letting us know that this would be useful for you.

  • mh_
    Community Member

    Hey @MikeT,

    +1 for the custom fields; as a LastPass refugee I'm finding some pains in the inflexibility of saved logins.

    If you guys are accepting outside beta (even alpha) testers, please let me know! I'm on Mountain Lion, running the beta extension in Chrome and Safari.

  • Hi @mh_,

    We don't have any alpha/beta projects just yet. We'll announce it in the forums along other avenues like Twitter once we're ready to start inviting folks in.

    We really cannot wait to show it to you guys.

This discussion has been closed.