Wrong location (URL) for logins

Community Member
edited April 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I just started this (1p) I started adding logins and realized after three the loc all said example.com. So not useful
and I haven't 1. figured how to fix the address & 2. Add new sites w/o that loc. I think I missed something.


  • Hi @Raja1520,

    I assume by LOC, you mean location. If you didn't specify the website address, it'll use example.com by default.

    Are you saving logins through the 1Password's browser extension in your browser or are you manually saving it in the main 1Password app you opened from the Applications folder?

    I'd recommend skimming through this guide on the browser extension to get a feeling of how to use it.

    As for editing, you can do this in two ways:

    Main 1Password app

    1. Open the main 1Password app, unlock, go to the Logins section, select one of the Logins with the example.com
    2. Press the Edit button and change the location to the website for that Login item's login page.

    Through the Browser

    1. Press the 1Password button, start typing the name of the items you want to edit, which will narrow down the list of Logins
    2. Click on the > button next to the item
    3. Press Edit button on top right and then edit the URL to match the address of the Login page.

    I hope that helps!

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