How To: Change the sort order within a category or folder

Community Member
edited April 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Is there a way to reorder the login files within a file. For example, I have a file named Financial Logins and there are 6 login files in that file. They are not ordered alphabetically; in fact, the order in the file appears random. I've tried to drag/drop but that doesn't seem to work. Thanks


  • Hi @PWChinook,

    I assume you're taking about having 6 Login items for the same site? You have to rename the items to match your preferred listing, 1Password sort the titles by alphabetical order.

    So, if you want, you can either rename the titles to include "1." at the front or "A." as well. So, if your titles are Financial Site [Name A] and Financial Site [Name B], you can rename them to A. Financial Site [Name B] and B. Financial Site [Name A].

    The A item will show first before B item.

    I hope that helps.

  • PWChinook
    Community Member

    I talking about 6 different login IDs all kept in the folder "Financial Logins". Right now, the order is Fidelity, BoA (name1), DADavidson (name 2), Vanguard (name 3), BoA (name 4), Vanguard (name 5), PayPal.

    This may be the order in which they were created (not sure) but having them in alphabetical order would be better. Or better yet, letting me drag/drop to some other order than makes sense to me... :-)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Click the header (in my example it says "6 items by Title") to change the sort order.

  • PWChinook
    Community Member

    My header just says "Title". It does sort up/down using the header as a toggle. I'm not sure why they were in a random order before. Perhaps you have to force the sort each time one is added..? Anyway, it's fixed now... THANKS!

    Hey, I just checked and there's an upgrade available. I just downloaded it (and re-regisgtered my license - not sure why that was necessary) but it's the same as before; the header only says Title and not "x items by Title". Are you using a different rev than we are?

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2013

    Are you using the Shelves layout (View > Layout > Shelves) or one of the other layouts (i.e. Widescreen or Traditional)?

  • PWChinook
    Community Member

    Widescreen... but not be design... I never bothered to check the different layouts. My Daddy taught me to pick up a hammer and start using it... anything more complicated than a hammer can get me into trouble...

    Many thanks.. :-)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Haha! I'm glad you were able to get things sorted out. (Pun intended.) Careful where you swing that hammer. :D

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