Feature request: Wallet category 'debit card' or something other than 'credit card'



Just a request for some greater granularity in adding cards to 1Password. I'd be ok if the only option was 'card' but just 'credit card' is a pain as at least in the UK there is a distinct difference between debit cards (as in spending you own money directly) and credit cards (borrowing money from the bank).

I use 1password to keep card details as i have multipel personal and business cards and I;d never remember them all otherwise, but its a pain to have them all marked as credit.

Small think i know but could you maybe think abou this for a future update?


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    The difference between "credit" and "debit" in the US is only on the back end. As far as 1Password or any online shopping site is concerned they are identical. Is that not the same in the UK?

    I use sensible titles to tell my cards apart. I only have a couple debit cards, so I just give them titles like "FakeBank Debit" and "OtherBank Debit" for example.

    I'll certainly pass your vote along, though. Thanks for your feedback!

  • OwenA
    Community Member

    Here its different, partly because debit cards are free to use and credit cards are not. Also some systems accept one but not the other. I current use titles as well but its still a bit of a pain.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks! I'll consult with our UK team members and make sure the developers are fully aware of the differences in various locales. :)

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