Does 1PW's Have I been pwned integration only check against the 1PW master email address?
Hi there,
I am wondering about the following. Does 1PW's Have I been pwned integration only check against the 1PW master email address? Or does it also checks against the email entered for individual item entries in 1PW?
For example:
My 1PW accounts is linked to
But several item in 1PW are linked to the following email addresses:
- item 1:
- item 2:
- item 3:
Based on several other threads I could find I have the impression only the following email is checked against the HIBP database:
- (because it is the 1PW master email)
So item 2 and 3 are NOT part of the HIBP check.
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:haveibeenpned
Hey @mark24332:
Great question! Watchtower's Compromised Website warnings are based on Login items that you have in your 1Password account (checked locally against your device). Running a Breach Report on will instead check your account email against Have I Been Pwned for accounts that may not currently be stored in your 1Password account at the moment.
In your situation, if you have an item in 1Password using
, while accounts using those email addresses wouldn't show up in a Breach Report generated on, they would show up on the Login items themselves.Let me know if that clarifies it for you, or if you still have questions!