Does 1PW's Have I been pwned integration only check against the 1PW master email address?

Hi there,

I am wondering about the following. Does 1PW's Have I been pwned integration only check against the 1PW master email address? Or does it also checks against the email entered for individual item entries in 1PW?

For example:
My 1PW accounts is linked to

But several item in 1PW are linked to the following email addresses:

  • item 1:
  • item 2:
  • item 3:

Based on several other threads I could find I have the impression only the following email is checked against the HIBP database:

  • (because it is the 1PW master email)

So item 2 and 3 are NOT part of the HIBP check.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:haveibeenpned


  • Hey @mark24332:

    Great question! Watchtower's Compromised Website warnings are based on Login items that you have in your 1Password account (checked locally against your device). Running a Breach Report on will instead check your account email against Have I Been Pwned for accounts that may not currently be stored in your 1Password account at the moment.

    In your situation, if you have an item in 1Password using or, while accounts using those email addresses wouldn't show up in a Breach Report generated on, they would show up on the Login items themselves.

    Let me know if that clarifies it for you, or if you still have questions!


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