Logic in Keeping Old Generated PWs

I noticed a poster recently asked for the option to selectively delete from Trash. That request was noted but it was suggested use of a separate folder to keep older PWs. My question is, "why do I need them". Once I get a Login ID set up, I test it from scratch. When it's confirmed as OK, I do a Backup to Disk. That saves everything. As belts and braces, Time Machine backs it up.



  • HenryY
    Community Member

    I used to do the same thing, but now I just leave them in the Generated Passwords group b/c that's what Agile suggests. I don't really need them, and they clutter up the search results, so I don't know the wisdom in doing this.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    You can certainly delete them if you want. It's your data [file]. :)

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