Dropbox syncing and application sandboxing

Community Member
edited May 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

recently, i upgraded the hard drive in my macbook pro to a SSD drive and moved the original drive to the optical bay slot and threw away the optical drive. The idea was to keep all of the OS and apps on the fast SSD and the data stuff like pictures,movies, cloud sync(skydrive,dropbox,google) on the slower disk. After doing this, I noticed that dropbox sync was not enabled and was greyed out. After investigation, I discovered that 1password looks for the dropbox folder in the $Home directory of the user logged in. What! so, i have to have my dropbox folder in a specific location for 1password to work? what about folks that have a mac server with multiple disks. They have to locate dropbox in their home directory? Come on.. there must be better flexibility to use 1password. Can I symbolically link the dropbox folder to my home folder to make this work? Thank You.


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    1Password 3.9 adheres to Apple's sandboxing guidelines which require explicit permission to access files and folders on your disk. 1Password 3.9 has permission to access this exact location:


    If your Dropbox folder is not located there, 1Password simply cannot access it. At the moment, 1Password 3.9 is only allowed to access the default location of Dropbox. We're working on an update to allow you to grant explicit permission to 1Password to access your Dropbox folder elsewhere, but I don't have a timeframe on this.

    If you need a temporary workaround, you can use 1Password 3.8 which does not adhere to Apple's sandboxing guidelines and can thus access your data file from anywhere on your disk regardless of where your Dropbox folder is located.

    Since you already purchased 1Password on the Mac App Store, you can email us your MAS receipt for a 1Password 3.8 license key:

    support@ agilebits .com

    You can download 1Password 3.8 from our website:


    Aside from sandboxing, there are not really any substantial differences. Most users never run into this problem as they use the default Dropbox folder location, but in your case "sidegrading" to 3.8 is an option. It is not a downgrade. 1Password 3.8 and 3.9 have been developed in tandem and only have different version numbers for technical reasons.

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!

  • 1passwordmac
    Community Member

    well, what if I just symbolically link my dropbox directory on my data volume to the dropbox default location? Do you see any reasons at all why this would not work?

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    It's not supported. It would be much simpler to just use 3.8 which is essentially identical except for sandboxing. You're not missing out on anything, and then you wouldn't be using an unsupported hack which we aren't testing against when we push updates. I can't think of anything specific that could break, but I don't know why you would take that risk when there is a completely supported solution. :)

    If you decide to forge ahead despite this, please proceed with caution and make sure you backup regularly (which you should be doing anyway).

  • 1passwordmac
    Community Member

    I think I'll give in and and follow Apple's guidelines. However, I would like to be able to choose where i put the dropbox folder in the future. I hope a future update provides this functionality. Thank You for the explanation.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    It is my pleasure to help. Thanks for your feedback on this!

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