Syncing IOS 4 (iPad, iPhone) vs IOS (Mac) - items not synced ... and wish list

I use 1P on a Mac, iPhone and iPad, trying to keep them in sync with Dropbox, iTunes, iCloud, and now USB (with all the crash bugs). Attachments added on the Mac, sync with IOS4, but if removed/updated later, they are not in sync. Old attachments seems orphaned in IOS4 while new ones can be added. The only way around this seem to be deleting the entire Mac record with attachments and adding it back with modified attachments. e.g. I keep copies of my passport pages with my passport record and my drivers license with that record. If I change the attachment on the Mac (i.e. renewal), it gets added to IOS4, but the old attachment (i.e, old D/L attachment) is not removed.

Also, several record types added in IOS4 devices do no to sync to IOS3 Mac, so the total number of records across each device do not match. I think I was told in direct feedback earlier in the year about the sync mismatches with attachments. Is this going to be fixed? Also, we need the categories to match across all platforms (IOS4 has more than IOS3). The IOS3 "Wallet" and "Accounts" seem to be "catch-alls" for several IOS4 categories. It would also be nice to provide a custom designed category with defined fields with rules to choose to make up new record types (like in Bento 4). Another wish: selective sync by date or category entries added, and a simplified spreadsheet style print out of all logins for off site filing, or for reviewing those needing changes (Lastpass does that).


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    If I change the attachment on the Mac (i.e. renewal), it gets added to IOS4, but the old attachment (i.e, old D/L attachment) is not removed.

    Yeah, this is a known issue. It's on our radar to resolve in the future. There have just been a lot of other issues that needed to be addressed first. It is certainly no small issue, but you might be surprised to know that it's only come up a couple times from other users. I am surprised as well, but when we get a lot more feedback about other issues we tend to prioritize the ones that seem to be directly affecting the most customers. It's not a perfect system. I don't know that there is a perfect system. But it seems to be working for the past six or seven years. :) I will definitely make sure the developers know you are waiting for this to be resolved! (RM3986)

    Also, several record types added in IOS4 devices do no to sync to IOS3 Mac, so the total number of records across each device do not match.

    What items are not syncing? They should all sync. They are categorized differently in 1Password 4, but they should all be there.

    Also, we need the categories to match across all platforms (IOS4 has more than IOS3). The IOS3 "Wallet" and "Accounts" seem to be "catch-alls" for several IOS4 categories.

    That's precisely why we changed things in version 4. As you know, 1Password 4 has only debuted on iOS so the disparity will end once 1Password 4 for Mac is available. :)

    It would also be nice to provide a custom designed category with defined fields with rules to choose to make up new record types (like in Bento 4). Another wish: selective sync by date or category entries added, and a simplified spreadsheet style print out of all logins for off site filing, or for reviewing those needing changes…

    I'll pass all your requests along to the developers. Thank you for your feedback! Please keep it coming.


  • HenryY
    Community Member

    Wow. This user basically said everything I've said in a couple of posts.

    I too am looking forward to unified categories and the attachments fix.

    For now, I've created Wallet and Instant Messenger folders to simulate the 1P3 categories in 1P4.

  • bike2trek
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply Khad. I do hope the syncing issue with attachments gets resolved soon. I keep attachments with several records and often have to update them, and the old records remain, making the 1P Dropbox archive larger than needed (this increasing sync time). It's a pain to delete and re-create user records to fix this manually.

    When I first tried the USB sync, I noticed that the record totals were not the same across Mac and IOS devices, even accounting for the category mismatches between IOS3/4. I'll have to run another check to see if anything is actually missing. I have over 900 records in 1P now. Some are intentional sort-of-duplicates. By that I mean the record may exist as both a login and an account, or login and wallet item. This is because accounts and wallet records can hold more data in specified fields, instead of dumping all additional info in the Notes field, so I create both, when I need to keep track of more than just a user ID and password and a few notes for a given record..

    I stumbled on a feature, intended or not, which is quite useful. Creating new software records with the exact name as the software pulls up and inserts the software icon and version number automatically, and the icon is actually clickable to launch the software withing 1P. Once I discovered that, I proceeded to create records for almost every program in the Application folder, over 400+. It's a very useful software inventory system!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the reply Khad. I do hope the syncing issue with attachments gets resolved soon. I keep attachments with several records and often have to update them, and the old records remain, making the 1P Dropbox archive larger than needed (this increasing sync time). It's a pain to delete and re-create user records to fix this manually.

    I totally understand. I too hope it is resolved soon, but I can't promise a time frame.

    When I first tried the USB sync, I noticed that the record totals were not the same across Mac and IOS devices, even accounting for the category mismatches between IOS3/4. I'll have to run another check to see if anything is actually missing. I have over 900 records in 1P now.

    If you are having trouble with the USB sync tool which is still in beta, please do let us know al the pertinent details by posting them in the USB sync category so we can follow up. We'd love to make sure everything is working properly.

    I stumbled on a feature, intended or not, which is quite useful. Creating new software records with the exact name as the software pulls up and inserts the software icon and version number automatically, and the icon is actually clickable to launch the software withing 1P. Once I discovered that, I proceeded to create records for almost every program in the Application folder, over 400+. It's a very useful software inventory system!

    Yes, this is a feature we love too. :D

  • kdcnz
    Community Member

    I stumbled on a feature, intended or not, which is quite useful. Creating new software records with the exact name as the software pulls up and inserts the software icon and version number automatically, and the icon is actually clickable to launch the software withing 1P. Once I discovered that, I proceeded to create records for almost every program in the Application folder, over 400+. It's a very useful software inventory system!

    I updated Mac to 10.8.4 today, which included Safari 6.0.5 and iTunes 11.0.4 (4). I then ran 1Password / File / Add Software Licenses for Applications... - selected all Apps in Applications Folder then . 1Password (3.9.6 ex MAS) asked if I wanted to create new or update existing entries, as applicable, but still shows the following: 1Password 3.8.20 (which is original trial version I downloaded from agile bits), iTunes 11.0.3 and Safari 6.0.4

    I repeated this, on individual Apps. Same result.

    Again, but selected to create new entry. Now have duplicates, with different version numbers. Sort of defeats the purpose of this feature. Which I like and use. Useful to keep track of all those 'trial' versions and semi-forgotten Apps that sneak on...

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for your feedback, @kdcnz. RIght now the data is only populated for new items. We didn't want to overwrite any customizations a user had made. I'll let the developers know you're interested in that, though.

  • kdcnz
    Community Member

    The program does specifically ask whether one wants to create new items or update existing... I assume that 'update' means 'update'.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Ah, yes, of course. I see what you mean. This should be resolved in the future. Thanks for mentioning it. :)

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