How To: Install the 1Password extension in Safari

Community Member
edited May 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Computer/os: Air, 10.7.5
Browser: Safari 6.0.4
Problem: generator icon isn't on the toolbar or anywhere else I can locate it.
Additional problem: I don't speak computerese.


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I'm sorry that you are having some trouble, @ttarpn. I'm a bit confused by what you mean, but I'll try to help without any computerese. :)

    The generator is available within the 1Password extension. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar to open the extension popup. (The button looks like a key.) Then click the safe dial on the left side of the popup. It's the fourth icon from the top.

    Please let me know if you are stuck on any part. I can provide more specific assistance if I know which part you are stuck on.

  • ttarpn
    Community Member

    Thanks. I think I must have installed it improperly. I've uninstalled and tried it again, and still am not getting the picture you're showing me. So I've uninstalled again. I might try again later.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Here are the steps to remove any previous extension you installed:

    Then just install it by following the onscreen instructions here:

    Be sure to not skip the part of the process which includes double-clicking the extension to install it. The instructions are on that page along with screenshots which show how to perform each step.

    Are you seeing 1Password's "key" button in Safari's toolbar as indicated by (1) in the screenshot above?

  • ttarpn
    Community Member

    OK. Well, already I see a problem. I tossed the download into my trash basket before I got your message, but thought I should follow your instructions about uninstall. No extension for password or anything else showed up. So I'm guessing I screwed up on the double click and it never installed at all!

    I downloaded it twice, and can't believe I didn't do it correctly either time, but.... well, that's what I get for being an old crock.

    I'm now going to attempt part two of your instructions and download (and hopefully install) again. Cross your fingers.

  • ttarpn
    Community Member

    Woo-hoo! It worked. Thank you very much. What I downloaded via your link didn't look anything like what I downloaded before (which I think I got by following a link from CNET). Anyway, the little key is in the right place now, and I'll take a stab at changing a password on a site I don't care much about, just in case. :)

  • ttarpn
    Community Member

    I THINK I've successfully changed a wimpy password to a strong one on a site I don't much care about anyway. Now, I'm going to make myself a deserved cup of coffee. Thank you again. I think I can manage from here. I hope.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Great news! Thanks for letting me know that everything is working well. :)

    Please do let me know if there is anything else I can help with.


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