non-MAS upgrade question

I'm a longtime 1PW user, currently running 2.12.1.

I want to upgrade to the current version, and it looks like I'll save $15 if I do this via the Agile website ($35), as opposed to using the MAS ($50). But what will happen when v4 comes out??

I know that when 1PW v4 comes out, the MAS purchasers will get the upgrade for free.

This thread from Feb 2013 says that:
"New customers ordering 1Password 3 now from our website will get a free update to 1Password 4".

Will this also apply to my situation? I won't be a new customer, I'll be an old customer with an upgraded license.

If I won't be eligible for the free upgrade to v4, then I guess I should just switch over to the MAS app.



  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    But what will happen when v4 comes out??

    You'll get version 4 for free as stated in the sidebar on the store. :)

    This applies to upgrades as well. ;)

  • JackMac
    Community Member

    Thanks Khad - I just wanted to be sure.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    It's my pleasure to help. It was a good question!

  • Jono Spiro
    Jono Spiro
    Community Member

    (I apologize if this was answered elsewhere, but I didn't see it asked...)

    Are the upgrades date-gated? I've had 1P3 since the day it came out -- not bought recently. Should I buy a new license to take advantage of the discount, or will I be eligible for free upgrade (or a less expensive paid upgrade later)?

    Thanks khad!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    You will get 1Password 4 for Mac free if you…

    …ever bought on MAS (including now).

    …bought from our site in 2013 (including now).

    Now is a great time to buy 1Password on the Mac App Store to lock in the super low 50% OFF price as well as free v4 upgrade. This price is a bigger discount than any previous upgrade discount. :)

  • dizzydev
    Community Member

    I'm an idiot for logic puzzles like this, so please humor me. Based on what I read above, is what's below correct?

    Case 1) Buy prior version of 1P on MAS at any point in time for $50 -> free upgrade

    Case 2) Buy prior version of 1P on AB website for $50 before 1/1/2013 -> not a free upgrade, need to repurchase for $25

    Case 3) Buy prior version of 1P on AB website for $25 after 1/1/2013 -> free upgrade

    If this is true, it would seem customers in Case 2 are being treated oddly unfavorably (particularly with Apple's revenue split on Case 1), and/or the company is not logically maximizing its revenue opportunity for an upgrade.

    This puzzles me. Did I get it wrong?

  • panafou
    Community Member
    edited June 2013

    It's a disappointing solution. I contacted suport and they told me what you writing above. All I'm waiting is the release of v4 to see if they gonna release an upgrade version for the web site customers like they did with v3 (i believe the price was below 20$. If they have a similar price, MAYBE I'll upgrade, if they keep the 25$ "special" price, I'm moving...

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2013

    If this is true, it would seem customers in Case 2 are being treated oddly unfavorably (particularly with Apple's revenue split on Case 1), and/or the company is not logically maximizing its revenue opportunity for an upgrade.

    You didn't get it wrong. We would love to be "fair" and only provide the free upgrade to folks who purchased on the Mac App Store after January 1, 2013. However, this is impossible to do. Apple provides no such mechanism on the App Store. We were left with the dilemma: be less generous and not offer the free upgrade to anyone on the Mac App Store or be more generous and offer the free upgrade to everyone on the Mac App Store. Those are the only two options that Apple has allowed us to choose from with the way the App Store is set up. We prefer to be more generous, so we chose the latter.

    All I'm waiting is the release of v4 to see if they gonna release an upgrade version for the web site customers like they did with v3 (i believe the price was below 20$. If they have a similar price, MAYBE I'll upgrade, if they keep the 25$ "special" price, I'm moving...

    You will be able to upgrade via our own online store, yes. However, you are looking at the wrong numbers. 1Password has not always been the same price. A 50% discount on $40 was $20 all those years ago. That's correct. But the same 50% discount on the current price of 1Password is $25. The discount is the same.

  • Jono Spiro
    Jono Spiro
    Community Member

    One last question! Who ever thought this would be so confusing :-)

    If I upgrade my 1p3 single user license purchased before 1 Jan 2013, to family or +windows, will that be eligible for free 1p4 upgrade, or do I need to purchase a completely new license?

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Any new purchase is eligible. That includes an upgrade. So in your case you will be all set to enjoy 1Password 4 for Mac at no additional charge when it is released.

  • Jono Spiro
    Jono Spiro
    Community Member

    You might want to star this topic for a bit. I think we covered every possibility!

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Haha! I'm sure there will still be more questions. I am always surprised at the different scenarios that come up when we have a sale. :)

This discussion has been closed.