Developer builds of Chrome

Community Member
edited May 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I am using the dev track of Chrome, so I understand that any trouble might be due to that, but if anyone could tell me if the problem I'm seeing is for the dev release in general or me specifically, I'd appreciate it. Version 28.0.1500.2 dev as of the time I'm writing this.

The extension in Chrome is blank for me. It has the buttons on the left side of the pop-up, but the rest is white, and clicking the buttons does nothing, i.e. no settings come up or anything. I've tried restarting Chrome, deleting and reinstalling the extension, and restarting the 1Password helper app to no affect.



  • agemooij
    Community Member

    I've been having the same problem (blank unresponsive extension) with Chrome 28.0.1500.2 dev, ever since I installed the latest 1P update (3.8.21 (build 32009)) on OSX 10.8.3.

    I've tried installing the chrome extension from scratch and through the Chrome app store but to no avail. I'm currently running version of the extension.

  • Ilovemydog
    Community Member

    Same problem here. It's the Chrome version. Roll back to the previous one and things will work properly.

  • AGKyle
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2013

    Hey guys,

    We've updated our extension in the latest beta:

    Simply click "Allow Beta Extensions" in the right hand side, and then the Download button next to the Chrome icon and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

    Do note that you'll want to remove the previous version of the extension first. Otherwise you could end up with two extensions installed.

    However, there is a known issue that will prevent the OmniBox from working properly though and we've notified Google of this so hopefully it'll be fixed up soon.

    We don't recommend using Dev versions of browsers for anything critical. Often times you can let us know you're having trouble with them but we cannot promise support for them. Dev versions often come with bugs and will break from time to time. If you absolutely must use 1Password all the time, you should stick with the stable builds (26 currently).

    Hope that helps!

  • rdelrossi
    Community Member

    Thanks Kyle. That solves the problem for me!

    -- Robert

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Great news! Thanks for letting us know that everything is working well. :)

    It can be hard to hit a moving target, but we'll continue working to keep up with unstable builds as best we can.

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!

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