Feature Request: Uppercase Letters in Pronounceable Password Generator
Please. Can we have this functionality? More and more websites are asking for capitals and I would prefer them to be pronounceable.
I'll pass your vote along to the developers. Thanks for your feedback, @oneblessedguy. (Love your profile photo, by the way!) I understand that using a pronounceable password is a personal preference, but if 1Password is filling all your passwords for you, there shouldn't be any need to pronounce them in 99% of cases. The ⌘\ keyboard shortcut will fill
just as easily aszynu-sigh-leve-symy-by-xy
. :)There is always room for improvement, though, so, as I mentioned, I'll make sure the developers know you would like to see this functionality.
If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!