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Forum Discussion
Former Member
3 years agoNew iOS Beta: Search UX
Congrats all on the awesome preview launch! Celebrate with some Labatt Blue and Molson then come back here and hear my plea! :D
When I open the app vs use it via ios integration, I'm most likely needing to find a password. The search nav icon is good UI but seems an extra step UX-wise.
I'd love if I could get a search bar back on the main view. Right there at the top where it used to be. I can tap it and search. In this first build it takes a few extra steps.
And with that new Customize Home functionality... once you add an option for Search there [yes my voice is getting higher with each of those words even though I'm typing] it can even be toggled.
Please? Pretty Please? With Smarties on top?
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
- Former Member
Thanks all who commented on this so far :) I definitely hear where you're coming from, especially regarding the possibility for a search bar at the top of the Item List when you're browsing. I've tracked your feedback and we'll feed it back into our development effort. Keep in touch if you have more feedback or other ideas on how we could improve the app!
Gab - viswizSuper Contributor
Please bring back the search field back to where it belongs in iOS - on top of the list. Almost every app I use has the search field on top of the list. Furthermore show all results within the view - the extra step ("show all matching items") introduced with v8 desktop apps is extremely annyoing. On top of that now iOS has the same broken search algorithm that doesn't handle substrings.
The search field on top of the content area leads to strange usability problems. On iPad: I select "All items" in side bar, entering a search term and hitting the clear button. "All Items" is still highlighted but the middle column isn't showing "All items" but a search graphic. I have to tap again "All item" in order to see the items. The standard behaviour with the search box on top of the list would immediatly show the selection after clearing the search field.
- skatchFrequent Contributor
FWIW, I like that you've added a search tab, just because of the easy to reach placement at the bottom of the screen. Search is by far my most common starting point with 1pwd on my phone, and I always dislike having to hit the search field at the top of the screen in v7 because modern phone sizes make it hard to reach.
I haven't used v8 early access yet, but it would be extra nice if there were an easy-to-reach shortcut for clearing search. Often when I open 1pwd, the search field has text from my last session and I have to reach to hit the tiny "x" in the top right to clear search. Maybe a long press on the search tab could clear search & bring up keyboard? Or just tapping it a second time after it's already the active tab?
- XIIISuper Contributor
+1 for search in the items tab; way more native iOS that way...
- JuCosDedicated Contributor
indeed a search field at the top of the list of items would be more convenient: this is where we spend most of our time.
I'm also interested in an index that would allow quicker access to a letter - Former Member
I'd also like a search bar on the Home Screen - its the place where you land, and generally when I'm using 1Password its to quickly find an item.
Clicking the search button at the bottom, then going back up to to the top doesn't sound like much of a hardship and yes I'll probably get used to it but its still a context switch. You are first presented with a load of categories which you have to ignore, switch to a different tab and then enter the search.
Not a big deal but an annoyance.
One other thing, on the items page, could we have an index to quickly jump down to a letter? e.g. all items - if I'm going to items beginning with S, its a long scroll down to get to that!
Other than that, first impressions are good - it's responsive.
- Former Member
Hey @panckreous, thank you for your feedback! The position of the search UI has been the subject of a lot of experimentation during development and we're very open to hearing feedback like yours and keep improving it :)
I have a question about your workflow: you mentioned that having search as an icon at the bottom leads you to having to go through more steps than before in order to search. Would you be willing to elaborate on that? Currently, both the 1Password 7 search bar and the search icon at the bottom will bring up a keyboard and let you start typing as soon as you've tapped them once. Are there other parts of the search workflow that differ between these two apps that affect your experience?