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Forum Discussion

Former Member's avatar
Former Member
3 years ago

When will categories be fully supported?

The new 1Password Blog asks:

Are you a heavy user of tags and want to see them at the top all the time? Do it. Would you rather never see the archive? No problem, just turn it off. We have many ideas as to what type of information we can provide you with on this screen, so let us know what you'd like to see on the forums.

There are certainly people who don't want tags at all and work with categories. I'm one of them and I hope that the insight comes here that there are also users who work differently than the developers want it to. It can't be that hard to let users decide whether they want to use tags or categories. I'll never understand the point of tags. I'm not a developer, I'm a user. Think about it!

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  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Thanks for the default answer

  • Jack_P_1P's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team

    Hi @JochenBake:

    I understand completely, but can't make any promises at this time. Hopefully in the future we can improve to your liking, but in the meantime, stay safe out there.


  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    It may be that different safes may make sense, unfortunately not for me.
    For me, switching to 1Password is only an option if I can hide tags and only work with categories. Anything else doesn't make sense to me. I've mentioned it a few times here on the forum. The tags are cluttered and ugly #! This does not change for even if the symbol now looks different. The categories look much nicer and have different icons. That makes the overview much better than if I have the same symbol for every day.
    Let the users decide whether they want to use tags or categories.

    I don't understand why I keep getting suggestions about tags here in the forum when I clearly state that I don't want to/won't use them.

  • Jack_P_1P's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team

    Hi @JochenBake:

    Thanks for your feedback on this. While I can't make any promises, we continue to use feedback like yours to inform the future of 1Password. We've changed the icon for tags slightly in our beta releases:

    As for what you've mentioned previously about handling multiple projects, would creating a separate vault and collection for each project and storing the relevant items in each vault help improve things for you?


  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    that would be a very good idea. However, I use Win 11 and Android. I would suggest that it is up to the user whether they want to use tags or categories. So everyone has what he sees fit.
    I don't believe in compulsion that programmers want to impose on you. Just because they want tags doesn't mean users want them too.
    I'll never understand the point of tags that look ugly with the hash #. The categories look great.

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Hey @JochenBake! Thanks for reaching out. I understand that you do not like to use Tags. Are you saying that you'd like for an option to remove tags from the 1Password app on iOS altogether?

    Please let us know! I will be happy to share your feedback with our team.