Using 1P to store account password and secret key

Community Member

Newbie question : I have a family account with two users. Is there a security risk to store the account password and the secret key in 1P? Can you explain what risk?
When I think about it it, my guess is no, but I want to be sure.

Thanks in advance!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • Kakkoister2
    Community Member
    edited May 2022

    @KurtB There is no risk at all, as the your vault is fully encrypted and 1P staff or anyone else for that matter (as long as your keeping your account password and secret key safe) can't read anything of the contents of your vault. Also, to add as long as both users are trusting of using the family account, no problems there either.

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