Feature Request: User-Defined "Legal" Symbols in Password Generator
I was wondering about an additional checkbox option with a text field to contain a user-entered list of "legal" symbols for websites that restrict symbols allowed to a smaller subset of what 1password generates? In essence a limiter to the current Symbols check-box/slider.
I saw some comments in a thread about how people generate passwords and Jeffrey Goldberg made mention of not using symbols for this reason (of websites that limit what symbols are allowed).
I'll pass your vote for this along to the developers. Thanks for your feedback, Chris. :)
If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!
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I was just about to create my own thread until I saw this one. I would also like to request this feature. I'm actually quite shocked it doesn't already exist as not every website password criteria are the same. It gets very tedious to manually edit passwords with working symbols.
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Vote added! Thanks, Cody.
For now I do want to mention that a 23 character alphanumeric generated password (i.e. without any symbols) has 128-bits of entropy. :)