1Password 8 screwing up keyboard control in Adobe InDesign

Community Member

Just installed 1Password 8 today on my Mac. Immediately it causes problems with keyboard shortcuts in Adobe InDesign CC. I'm not talking conflicting global hotkeys. I'm talking about when I use the scale tool to transform items on a page in InDesign, I should be able to hold the shift key to make the scale proportional, but this no longer works when 1Password 8 is running.

Guys, please correct this bug. Very frustrating.

1Password Version: 8.7.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.3.1


  • Hi @jackbrannen, thanks for raising this issue.

    I confess to not being very familiar with the specifics of InDesign, but here's a few questions to get things started:

    • What happens when you hold the shift key to use that scale tool in InDesign? Does it just not work now?
    • Do you see any hotkeys in 1Password's settings menu that would conflict with what you're using in InDesign?

    I recognize you feel this likely isn't about global hotkeys, I'm just trying to work out how it would be possible for 1Password to be involved there. 🤔

    We'll look forward to figuring this out!

  • PeterG_1P
    edited May 2022

    Actually, wait. ⚡️💡 I think I know what this might be, and have now filed an issue with our developers to look into it.

    Thank you for letting us know about this, @jackbrannen! 🙌

    ref: dev/core/core#13958

  • jackbrannen
    Community Member

    Thanks. Can answer other Qs as you need!

  • Much appreciated, @jackbrannen. 🙏

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