1Password is excellent, but I want more - how about contacts?!

Steve Groom
Steve Groom
Community Member

Been a fan of 1Password for a long time - it really does a great job. Loving v8's new design. Ran through the set up and guides etc and was going to send my thoughts and recommendations to friends and colleagues.

So I just opened my contacts and thought - damn, I wish 1Password could organise this!!

How about considering a companion product to control and properly handle contacts:?

  • I have no desire to delete old contacts, but I don't need to have them in my main list - an archive would be good.
  • Duplicate contacts seem to happen all the time - I just had a FaceTime call with my daughter or possibly six other people!!! - is Apple's way of telling me there are duplicate entries.
  • Contact sync between Apple, Gmail, Microsoft seems to always get it wrong
  • I have tried many contact managers / deduplicators and they are mostly ineffective and painful to use
  • Contacts could be validated and enhanced (i.e. with maps).
  • Bidirectional contact sync doesn't work - there needs to be a gatekeeper in the middle to allow each system its own foibles forcing a synched contact to display useless info i.e. "This contact is read-only. To make changes, tap the link above to edit in Outlook."
  • A watchtower feature could look for known compromised emails
  • Export as vCard, export vCard as qrcode

I know its a long shot, but think this problem needs some fresh eyes and I think you have all the core skills and the right sort of vision to make a successful tool.

best regards

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided


  • XIII
    Community Member

    Maybe you're better off contacting Flexibits, creator of Cardhop? (Or one of its competitors)

    BTW: What's a "compromised email"?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited May 2022

    I'll second Cardhop - it's a very nice app.

    Contact syncing is a nightmare, because each provider uses its own contact template (e.g. default fields, labels, extensibility). Even the vCard exports are drastically different. And some of the contact providers use highly extensible back-end contact services, which cannot be shoehorned into the simpler ones.

    And because these differences can be so great, automatic de-duping is a nearly impossible task.

    One of the most important features of contacts, for a given eco-system, is how well they integrate into the apps and services provided by the system. Some platforms do this much better than others. A "gatekeeper" system (e.g. 1Password would have to become a contact service provider) is in itself insufficient. Each of the vendors would need to support such a service, so that the contact information would be ubiquitous within their support platforms and devices. This is a massive undertaking, and I cannot foresee each of the vendors yielding control here.

    Many here will remember Now Contact/Up-to-Date, and its attempts to unify contact management and calendaring. RIP.

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