1Password incorrectly reports Wavebox is out of date

Community Member


We've been getting reports from 1Password users that when using Wavebox, the extension is reporting that Chrome is out of date. This only appears on the Windows version. The exact error message is "Chrome has an update available. Restart Chrome to install the update and reconnect with 1Password".

This is reproducible on Wavebox 10.101.16 which uses Chromium 101.0.4951.54.

This doesn't reproduce on macOS with 1Password 8.8.0 80800011.

Is there anything else we need to pass to 1Password, so it can validate the version number?


1Password Version: 8.7.0 80700098
Extension Version: 2.3.3
OS Version: Windows 11



  • Thomas8520
    Community Member

  • Remo
    Community Member

    Can confirm one of the recent updates broke the Windows Client to Chrome Extension Sync.

  • Thomas8520
    Community Member

    Is anyone from 1Password able to provide any updates/info on this?

  • PeterG_1P
    edited May 2022

    Hello @Thomas8520 and @remo, I'm sorry to learn of this issue (and for the delay in response - we just launched 1Password 8 for Mac, which means things are busier than usual here).

    We'll need to investigate this a bit on our end, so I have forwarded your reports of the problem to our development team so they can check it out. Thank you @thomas8520 for the details on reproducibility - this kind of thing is extremely helpful when we're trying to track down the source of the problem. I'll hope to have more for you soon.

    ref: dev/core/core#15241

  • Thomas8520
    Community Member

    Thanks @PeterG_1P I can confirm this is fixed with the latest 1Password beta (8.8.0 - 80800021)

  • Excellent, thank you for the update @Thomas8520. And welcome to the latest Beta! 🙌

  • Thomas8520
    Community Member

    Hi, we've been getting reports of this again. Wavebox 10.103.39 (Chromium 103.0.5060.134) and Wavebox 10.104.3 (Chromium 104.0.5112.57), with 1Password windows 8.8.0 80800203.

    It appears to be, that despite requesting the 1Password beta channel on the desktop app, it moves back to a production release periodically.

    We've also had this reported on Twitter

    Are you able to give any advice, as we seem to have users reporting this reasonably frequently?

  • ag_mike_d
    edited July 2022

    Hi @Thomas8520, thanks for your message and I'm sorry to learn of these newly reported troubles.

    The version of 1Password mentioned, 80800203, has been promoted to Production on July 19, 2022. The latest Beta version 80800215 is required and can be found here: https://downloads.1password.com/win/1PasswordSetup-latest.BETA.exe

    It sounds like the previous Beta may have been installed, but if 1Password is set to the Production channel, when this update happened, 1Password did not update to the latest Beta. I've included our guide here which explains how to set the release channel in 1Password 8 to ensure it stays up-to-date: Use 1Password beta releases

    I hope this is helpful, but please let us know if you have any further questions.

  • Thomas8520
    Community Member

    Thanks, I can confirm that worked! I had downloaded the beta version previously, so I'm not sure why it switched back to the production version

  • Hi @Thomas8520, thanks for the update! I'm glad this worked!

    Just keep an eye on the Beta channel in the settings:
    1. Open and unlock 1Password.
    2. Click your account or collection at the top of the sidebar and choose Settings (or Ctrl + Comma).
    3. Click Advanced, then set “Release channel” to Beta.

    Once this is set to Beta, you should get automatic updates as new betas are released. If you need to go back to Production for one reason or another, reverting that setting Production will keep you on the latest beta version downloaded, until the production version number surpasses that of the current build.

  • Thomas8520
    Community Member

    Hi @ag_mike_d unfortunately, this seems to have cropped up on another machine. I've been running the beta version of the 1Password desktop app on my personal mac for quite some time, but it's now switched back to the production version (80800203) and reports the same problem. If I check for updates it says that it's all up to date. The release channel is already set to beta.

    It does look like the 1Password desktop app is switching between release channels for some reason. Is it that the beta moves back to the production version when a new production release is released, then moves back to beta when there's a new beta available?

    Redownloading the latest beta from https://releases.1password.com/mac/beta/ fixes the problem, but it's annoying having to re-download 1Password on a bunch of machines all the time :-/

  • ag_mike_d
    edited July 2022

    Hi @Thomas8520,

    We appreciate you reporting this behaviour with the Beta release channel active and not updating past Production 80800203. I've been able to reproduce behaviour and reached out to the team for some more details.

    This is happening due to this particular Production 80800203 being released on the same day, but later than Beta 80800215. We look for the newest entry in the changelog file, which includes all channels and it's seeing that Production 80800203 as the newest entry between those two channels.

    I hope this helps explain the cause, but I'm happy to hear that you were able to resolve this by redownloading the latest Beta version. I'm sorry for any frustration this causes, but this is the best workaround for this Beta release.

    Please let us know if you have any further questions.

    ref: dev/core/core#16529

  • Thomas8520
    Community Member

    This has presented itself again. A Windows beta install has moved onto version 8.9.5 (80905042) on the production channel and shows the warning.

    If I check for updates, 1Password reports that everything is up to date

  • Hey @Thomas8520, thanks for reaching out. This change to Production is currently expected due to a known limitation. As long as you remain on the Beta channel, you will advance to the new Beta as soon as it's available.


  • Thomas8520
    Community Member
    edited November 2022

    We're gettings reports this is happening again with 1Password 8.9.8 80908009. Checking for updates, reports that everything is up to date

  • Hello @Thomas8520,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are getting reports of this again.

    1Password 8.9.8 (80908009) is the latest production version. Wavebox requires a beta or nightly version of the 1Password app. Could you let us know if troubles continue after updating to a beta? As of writing this message, version 8.9.9 (80909006) is the latest: Use 1Password beta releases


  • Thomas8520
    Community Member
    edited December 2022

    This has happened once again with version 1Password for Mac 8.9.11 (80911019).

    The release channel under advanced is set to beta and hitting check for updates reports no new updates are available.

    It's really grating having to manually re-download the latest beta and re-install every time this happens...

  • Hi @Thomas8520,

    Thanks for your message. I appreciate you reporting that the release channel is set to Beta but no updates were available.

    With regard to Mac alone, there was a small update that took place on December 15, 2022. This version you mentioned (80911019), is a Production release that has surpassed the latest Beta version number 80911014 causing this issue.

    I have no news to share on a date, but once a Beta with a version number that is newer than 80911019, releases everything should be back on track with updates as long as the Release Channel remains on Beta.

    I'm sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

  • mbdiener
    Community Member

    Related to the thread, since a recent update, the 1Password Chrome extension running in Wavebox and the Windows desktop version do not synch their sign-in states or, in other words, if I'm signed in on the desktop, the extension no longer will be signed in. I am using the beta version in both the extension and desktop. The extension is v. 2.6.1 and Windows v. 8.9.12 (80912004). Is there a fix for this situation? Note that the synch was working until recently.

  • Thomas8520
    Community Member

    I had the same problem with version 8.9.12. The update channel is still set to beta, but it downloaded the production build again. I checked for updates, it updated to version 8.10.0 beta and it works again.

    @mbdiener this might work for you on Windows too.

    What do you need from the Wavebox team to avoid this recurring issue? We already have URLs that we publish with the latest Wavebox versions for each platform...


    Do you need the corresponding Chromium version to go along with these? We keep pretty up-to-date with the Google Chrome release cycle so this shouldn't be an issue. We track it really closely... i.e. our beta channel went to M109 on 20/12/22 and stable went to 109.0.5414.87 on 11/01/23 the day after Chrome.

    I know some smaller browsers just bump and spoof the version number, but this isn't the case for us, we work really hard to make sure we're up to date with Chromium and secure. We keep the open source https://chromiumchecker.com/ up to date, which uses feature detection to check which milestone the visiting Chromium browser is using. It can't detect the minor version but gives great confidence on which milestone the browser is using.

    Let me know what you need from our end because we're more than happy to help. This isn't just joint Wavebox & 1Password users that are affected, I'm an avid 1Password user myself, so seeing these recurring bugs is disheartening.

  • mbdiener
    Community Member

    Thanks @Thomas8520 . I'll try out the new Windows beta. I thought I had the latest but didn't apparently. If the problem continues to reoccur, I'll update here. I do wonder, however, why this can't be fixed permanently in production since Wavebox supports Chrome extensions.

  • mbdiener
    Community Member

    Well, I've tried out the new Windows app beta, again in conjunction with the latest Chrome extension, and the synch between Windows and Wavebox is still not working. Any other recommendations are welcome. @ag_mike_d , anything from 1Password support on this?

  • Hello @mbdiener,

    Thanks for your message and sorry for the troubles with the Beta versus the Production versions of 1Password 8 for Windows. I have no news to share about full support maybe moving to 1Password 8 Production versions.

    You've mentioned you tried out the latest Beta of 1Password 8 for Windows. Could you confirm 1Password is showing version 8.10.0 (81000009)? If not, I'll include a link to this here to the latest Windows beta.

    Should you already be using the the latest version of the Beta, let us know and we'd be happy to help investigate further.

  • mbdiener
    Community Member

    @ag_mike_d ,

    Thanks for your reply. It turns out that after a restart of my computer, the two are now synching correctly. I had forgotten the “old”computer adage that a reboot fixes everything. :) Thanks again!

  • Hi @mbdiener,

    You're most welcome - thanks for letting us know that everything is syncing again after the reboot. 👍

  • mbdiener
    Community Member

    I've had this problem again in the last couple of days. your support explained that the production version is newer than the beta version and, therefore, the Windows app will default to the prod version. They expect a new beta version to be released this week.

    Has Wavebox and/or 1Password made any progress on determining how to fix this so that we don't have to remain on beta versions and have this sync break when there are version changes?

  • Thomas8520
    Community Member

    The Wavebox app is happy to work with either the beta or production versions, it's the 1Password desktop app not allowing connections on the production channel. I chased this with 1Password support when my renewal came up recently and we're still being told they know about the issue, but don't have a timeframe for a fix.

    If the 1Password app needs anything in particular from the Wavebox app, we're happy to add it in - just fire support@wavebox.io an email anytime.

  • Hi @mbdiener! I'm sorry to hear that you ran into this issue again in recent days. I understand that you've been in communication with us about this already - if this was via email, could you provide your Support ID number here so we can connect the dots? Thanks!

    I don't have any answers at the moment, however I've reached out to the team for more information, and we'll be back in touch as soon as we have any details to share.

  • mbdiener
    Community Member

    Hi @1P_Gem ,

    The ticket number is LQP-83416-892 . In reply to Jermaine's response I had asked for a status on this issue being fixed but did not receive a reply back yet.


  • Hi @mbdiener, thanks for letting me know 😄I can see that my colleague Jermaine has also reached out to our browser team for more information about this. To keep the conversation in one place, myself or one of my colleagues will continue the conversation with you via email as soon as we have news to share.

    We do apologise for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your patience here!

    ref: LQP-83416-892

This discussion has been closed.