Lost Passwords


G´Day all,

yesterday I replaced a few passwords by auto generated passwords. When I looked into the logins everything was ok.

Today I restarted the machine and was getting an error msg. File could not be synced or something like this. And all new passwords are gone, for what reason ever.

As some of them are really hard to recover (provider will only post new passwords from the other end of the world) I need to know if there is any chance or backup to recover those passwords.

Thanks for your help


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Any password you filled via the Password Generator should be available if you click the "View password history" button while viewing the site's login page. The list is dynamic, though, so if you are viewing a blank tab in your browser or a different website the generated password(s) won't be listed. You need to view the login page where you generated and filled the password. I emphasize that last part since if you copied and pasted the password without actually clicking the "Fill" button then it would not have been saved.

    Please let me know how it goes.

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