1PasswordAnywhere not concealing passwords in "Accounts" category



I've just started using 1PasswordAnywhere at work, but have noticed that passwords are always visible within the Accounts category. All the other categories display their passwords concealed. Additionally when an item is deleted, if it came from the Accounts category the visible password behaviour remains while in the Trash, unlike other items.

Is this expected behaviour?

(Using 1Password v3.9.6 from the Mac App Store, and v4.2.1 on iPad and iPhone. 1PasswordAnywhere being viewed in Chrome and Safari via Dropbox.)

Many thanks,


  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2013

    I see what you mean. I'm sorry for any confusion. My guess (without having consulted with with developers) is that this is due to some changes in 1PasswordAnywhere to prepare for 1Password 4 for Mac. The "Accounts" category is no longer in 1Password 4. You can see this already in 1Password 4 for iOS. So the only passwords that are concealed are the ones for "Login" items since there won't be any "Accounts" soon.

    I'll mention this to them to see how they want to handle this. Thank you for mentioning this!


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