Print Out Shorthand List of Passwords On Paper - Supported In New Version?

Community Member
edited June 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

The one problem with previous versions of 1Password has been the lack of a option to print all Websites (or software), their User ID's and Passwords in succession on a page.

With 1Password, one can print out a full page for each website or software's details, however this means that the user may have to print literally hundreds of pages to produce a hard copy of their passwords. This is just not efficient.

Can agilebits put in the crucial annotated list print function in the new 1Password version?

What is the logic for not previously doing so?



  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I'll pass your vote for this along to the developers. Thank you for your feedback!

    For now, I recommend saving trees and just making sure you have good digital backups. You can read all the data without even installing 1Password. Just open the 1Password.html file in any modern browser. It's a feature we call 1PasswordAnywhere:


    You can open 1PasswordAnywhere from any local backup: USB flash drive, external hard drive, etc.

    But again, I'll certainly let the developers know you are looking for a lighter weight paper option.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Another solution would be to export as a text file and import into a spreadsheeet program.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I was obviously working too late when I replied yesterday. Thanks for coming to my rescue, @MrC. Good suggestion! :D

  • 1PasswordDependent
    Community Member

    These are interesting suggestions - but they are inelegant work arounds. Maintaining a succinct hard copy of any user id / password information is crucial in the digital age.

    Ten to fifteen years ago, many people chose identical user names and identical passwords for use on websites so they could remember them easily. Times have certainly changed.

    Today, it is important to have a veritable cornucopia of different user names and passwords. This diversity is part of what 1Password is all about and vital to online security.

    However, with your program as it stands - should a home user's computer break down (without back up) - many users would be SOL. While all of us try to be redundant with storing data (with clouds or back-ups) - it doesn't always work out that way. Though rare, sometimes multiple failures occur.

    I have a huge stack of 1Password data printed out that I keep in a safety deposit box. Having a hard backup is prudent. But, the 200 or more printed pages are a waste of paper and ink - because they are absolutely unnecessary.

    Here is also something else to remember - people die. 1Password is as important as a Will or Trust document. I have experience in this area. Luckily, my deceased loved one was still using the antiquated same user name / same password method before she passed away. Otherwise, I would have had a hell of a time trying to figure out her user name and passwords. Obviously, if she had used 1Password, I would have only had to remember her log in password. Still a succinct printed hard copy of the websites/user names/passwords would be helpful in so many ways.

    Guys & Gals - please do what you can to create a concise master printout function. Do it for the people like me, or for tree-huggers who want to save paper or just because it is practical.


  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2013

    Thanks for following up on this, @1PasswordDependent. I will pass your additional feedback along to the developers.

    If you haven't seen it already, you may want to take a look at the "1Password Emergency Kit". It is a great thing to have in the event of your untimely passing.

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!

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