Chrome extension trouble resolved
I am a long time 1password user on my Mac, PC and iPhone/iPad.
Last night I decided to do a system restore on my PC. As soon as it was done, I installed Dropbox and 1password. Fired up 1password, installed the Chrome extension, fired up Chrome and life was good. At the time I thought it was that the Chrome extension came from the Chrome Web Store but I just figured that was an update I had missed along the way.
This morning I came into the office, logged into my Mac and fired up Chrome.
I was surprised to see I had two 1password extension icons. I opened up settings, looked at the extensions list, and promptly ruined my morning by removing the extension NOT from the Chrome Web Store.
The extension from the Chrome Web store would not work at all on my Mac. After a bunch of searching I found this post:
I began to wonder if the new extension required the Mac App Store version of 1password, so I tried it.
I removed 1password (using AppCleaner), and purchased 1p from the Mac App store. It didn't work.
I rebooted. It didn't work.
I found this post: , It didn't work.
I removed the extension and reinstalled it from the Chrome Web Store. IT WORKED.
So just a heads up, if you are using the Web Site version, be very careful were you get your browser extensions from.
Hope this helps someone avoid the trouble I had.
I'm not sure what happened in your case, @hhubris, but there is only one version of the Chrome extension. We recommend that all users (regardless of platform or version) install the Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store. However, the version on our website is identical.
I'm glad things are working well, but if you ever have any trouble in the future, please email us a Diagnostics Report as soon as possible so we can figure out the root cause of the problem and get it resolved for you. We are always here to help! :)