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Forum Discussion

Former Member's avatar
Former Member
3 years ago

How do I change the font size for 1P in the toolbar?

When I use the 1P in the Safari tool bar, the font is too large. How do I adjust the font size in that toolbar 1P?

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: MacOS 12.5
Browser:_ Safari
Referrer: forum-search:font size in toolbar

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Thanks again. I will use email to send a screen shot of the problem next time it occurs. Today, for some unknown reason, the font is of normal, workable size to fit in the available space. Before, the font size was far to large to be useful. Thanks again.

  • @BillPoulos

    If it's possible please post a screenshot when you can. It would go a long way to helping the developers see what you see. If you notice anything where you can reproduce the results please include those details. If you'd rather submit it via email please use


    ref: IDEA-I-1490

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    CORRECTION: l agree with your conclusion that I have encountered a bug because today the problem is NOT showing up.

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    l agree with your conclusion that I have encountered a bug because today the problem is now showing up. The font in the 1P view in the customer toolbar of Safari is normal and not oversized for the size of the 1P box. Before I would get a font size that was quite large for the available space. Please feel free to add my voice for a new feature, to. be able to independently control font size in that toolbar area. Thanks for your comment.

  • @BillPoulos

    That sounds as if you have encountered a bug. At least by your asking it sounds that way to me. Is it possible to post a screenshot of what you see? Does this always happen? To the best of my knowledge there is no way to adjust the font. We have several requests for this ability both increase and decrease. I would be happy to add your voice to them.

    ref: IDEA-I-1490