Default Keyboard shortcuts do not work for german keyboard layout

Community Member


I have 1password 8 for mac installed, but the keyboard shortcuts do not work on a german keyboard layout.

e.g. CMD+/ to show keyboard shortcuts.

In order to write a slash (/), I have to hold shift+7 on my keyboard.
Nothing is shown when pressing CMD+SHIFT+7, nor just CMD+7.

Also the keyboard shortcut for auto fill does by default not seem to work for me.

The keyboard shorcut for auto fil is CMD+.
On my german keyboard i have to press option+shift+7 to get a backslash (\).
Neither, CMD+7 nor CMD+option+shift+7 does work. Nothing is shown.

I am not interested in changing the default keyboard shortcuts to something that works for my keyboard after upgrading an app.
So please give me some hint why the shortcuts are not working or fix the default keyboard shortcuts in the next release please.
Auto fill in 1password 7 was as far as I remember (not totally sure) just cmd+#, which worked (most of the time) well. I cannot remember if there was some shortcut for displaying shortcuts.

Thanks, Best regards.

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • hogru
    Community Member

    Same here, came here looking for a solution. Only difference: I have an (American) English UI with a German keyboard.

  • Hi @Educabledrift,

    Firstly, apologies for missing this when you initially posted it. Thank you for the bump, @hogru!

    I'm sorry to hear you're both experiencing unexpected behaviour while trying to set custom keyboard shortcuts. I suspect this is related to a bug that affects non-US keyboard layouts where certain keys are misread. I'll add this thread to our tracker so you can be notified once a fix is available.

    I recommend using an alternative keyboard shortcut in the meantime. If Quick Access, showing/hiding/locking 1Password is part of your workflow, you can also adjust the menu bar icon to trigger one of those actions:


    Apologies for the interruption and let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

    ref: dev/core/core#15199

  • viswiz
    Community Member

    @Educabledrift have you tried 'CMD+#'? This was the default in the past and many versions of 1PW8 ingored (or are still ignoring?) non US keyboad layouts, i.e. any key you pressed on a German keyboard showed its US mapping in the preferences dialog.

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