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Feature Request: Add an icon editor to 1Password 8

Community Member
edited May 2023 in Mac

Hello, does the custom icon size adjuster to fit a custom icon/logo not available in 1Password 8? There use to be a small slider that would scale the icon down to make it fit, I am no longer seeing that in 1Password8 for Mac.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hello @MJ247365! 👋

    At the moment, 1Password 8 doesn't include the ability to resize custom icons. I agree that this would be a good feature and, while I can't make any promises, I have added your feature request to our internal tracker so our developers can consider it as they are looking into new features to add to future versions of 1Password 8 for Mac.

    Thank you for the suggestion! 🙂

    ref: IDEA-I-1849

  • stepuri
    Community Member

    I discovered this issue today </3. I added a custom icon, and it looks horrible. I like to have custom icons for my credit cards because it makes it easier to distinguish between them in the drop-down menu; also, it just looks nicer. Can we, at least, get the default size of the icon, while the feature is hopefully added back?

  • Feashman2
    Community Member

    2/3 of a year has passed since the original posting in this string. Any update on when this feature will be re-installed in 1password? In releases prior to 1password 8, scaling was possible.

    Please return to your users an important functional feature.

  • Dave_1P
    edited May 2023

    @stepuri (I'm sorry for the delayed response) and @Feashman2

    Thank you for your feedback. I've forwarded your requests to add a feature to edit and resize custom icons to our product team who will consider it for a future update to 1Password 8 for Mac.

    In the meantime, you'll need to edit the custom icon outside of 1Password using an image editor such as Photoshop, Pixelmator Pro, or even Apple's built-in Preview tool. Using 512 × 512 (pixels) as the size will yield a good result and I wouldn't use anything less than 180 × 180 (pixels).


    ref: PB-33168114
    ref: PB-33168153

  • Feashman2
    Community Member

    Dave, it's not a request for a new feature, but rather re-activating a feature 1password already had.

    Perhaps the title should be "Re-activate Feature" instead of "Feature Request". ;)

  • @Feashman2

    1Password 8 is an entirely new app, and what once was would need to be re-coded for 1Password 8. There would be no ability to re-activate. We'll make sure the team knows this is important to you.

This discussion has been closed.