WEB FORM DETAILS: Where is the control to turn this feature on in 8.9?

Community Member

In pre-version 8 of 1PW you could view Web Form Details when editing a login.
I cannot locate a control in 8.9 to turn this feature on. Where is it?

Here is the button in version 7:

1Password Version: 8.8.9
Extension Version: 2.3.8
OS Version: 12.6
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hi @lysander

    Sounds like you'll need "Show auto-saved web details" in the Advanced tab of Preferences turned on, shown here:


    Then, any items with auto-saved web details will show them below the normal fields. You won't have to click "View Saved Form Details" to see them.

    Give that a try and let me know how you get on. I'll be here if you need further help. :)

    — Grey

  • dmcghan
    Community Member

    I see that I'm able to show this for existing logins that have them. But I don't seem to be able to add additional form fields to logins anymore. Is that true, or am I missing something? This was a very useful feature! :)

  • @dmcghan

    When you click the Edit button on an item, you'll be able to click the "+ add more" button, shown here, to add additional fields:


    Then you can choose a field type, and click Save when you're done.

    If you want to save additional fields when you're in the browser, here's what to do:

    1. Complete the form. You can autofill some of the fields if you want. Don't submit the form.
    2. When all the fields look like they should, right-click 1Password in the toolbar of your browser, and click Save Login.
    3. Confirm the additional fields look correct in the pop-up window, and click Save.

    There's more about this procedure here: Save and fill passwords in your browser — If you need to save additional fields on a website

    Hope that helps! :)

  • dmcghan
    Community Member

    I'd seen the "add more" option, but that didn't seem to fill in any web forms.

    The second method you pointed to did work. I didn't like that it said "Save Login," as that made me think it would only create new logins, but it allowed me to update existing ones with new form fields.

    Thank you! :)

  • @dmcghan

    I'm happy that Grey was able to help. 🙂


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