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Upgraded to 1PW8 AW app (but had to "tickle" the set of items to get them to appear)

Community Member

Hi folks! Thanks so much for releasing the AW app; I had been avoiding 1PW8 for iOS until this update. I'm glad to see it supports more datatypes, too!

A very small bug report: I excitedly downloaded it, installed it on my iPhone, signed into the iOS app, and installed the AW app in that order. The iOS app worked fine right away, but the AW app kept on saying "no logins," even though I had tagged a bunch using 1PW7.

I was able to resolve this by adding and removing another item from the Watch, whereupon all of the existing-tagged items appeared and I was able to test it and uninstall 1PW7.

Hope this report helps, and thanks again for doing this. I was genuinely worried the Watch app was going to go away, at which point I'd have had to switch services. I'm glad I don't have to do that. I hope the new codebase allows for future improvements as well, as the 1PW7 AW app didn't see as much love.

1Password Version: 8.9.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 16.0.2
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • janakj
    Community Member

    (one more footnote: killing and restarting the AW app was not sufficient. I had to actively edit the set of items that were set to be sync'ed before they started appearing.)

  • @janakj

    Out of curiosity on my part what watch are you using? I've reported the behavior to the team.

  • janakj
    Community Member
    edited October 2022

    Apple Watch 7 45mm, running watchOS 9.0.2.

    Thanks for forwarding the report on!

  • You're welcome. Sorry for the hiccup. I'm glad you could resolve it.

  • ag_tommy
    edited October 2022


    Do you happen to recall if the iPhone app was unlocked at the time you took the steps? I'm wondering if only the watch app was open and no data transfer happened due to the iPhone app being locked. Then when you opened the iPhone app and toggled the items they were pushed over.

    Sorry a little speculation here, and I'm trying to wrap my head around this. Any thing you recall could be helpful. It looks like you did a great job in your original message so it may be an unknown at this time.

    No worries about replying if there are no other details to share. Enjoy the app.

  • janakj
    Community Member

    I played with various combinations of this, and believe (95% confidence?) I did have both open at one point, with the iOS app showing results, and the Watch app showing "no entries."

  • JBrooker
    Community Member

    With AW ser 8 & 1P8 I now see the one time pwds I have tagged for AW. however they don’t appear on the series 7 watch anymore. Is that a bug?

  • @janakj

    Thank you for the additional details. We'll keep on eye out for further reports of this issue. 🙂


    I'm sorry for the delay in responding. Are you still not seeing certain items on your Apple Watch?

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