Feature: Get icon from URL for me

Community Member
edited October 2022 in Lounge

Currently there's only two ways to get a proper icon for login items:

  • 1Password happen to already have one in their list
  • I have to manually download an image, edit an item, click on the item, "Choose new icon...", find the image and select it.

This is very much a hassle. Most websites these days already have high-res versions of their icons available, either via their favicon, via meta-tags in their HTML, or via a standard manifest-file. And it seems you even actually already load some of them into the app!

  1. When you already load it, why don't you use it?
  2. How about adding an option in addition to "Choose new icon...", for example "Fetch icon from..." and let me pick one of the URL's I've added to the item? It should then be trivial for the 1Password app to go fetch that URL, potentially look for an app manifest, and either way, find a good sized icon from either the HTML directly, or a manifest-file.

Additionally, there should be a "Use default" option, which would use whatever icon 1Password would use by default.

And... in the case that 1Password adds new high-res images to ones I have custom ones for, maybe some sort of notification with the option to remove my custom icon and use your new high-res default instead?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • ag_mike_d
    edited October 2022

    Hello @svish,

    Sorry for the delay in response. I can see that you been chatting with a colleague via and this issue was reported there as well. If you'd like, you can continue the conversation over there. We've filed this issue internally with the team. We appreciate your report of this behaviour!

    ref: dev/core/core#18063
    ref: AVV-71423-492

  • svish
    Community Member

    @ag_mike_d If it's added as an issue in your list, then I'm happy. I just decided to also post it here, as it was easier to provide more details here, screenshots and such.

  • Hi @svish - thanks for your reply and reporting it here as well. πŸ˜€

  • mads
    Community Member

    I, too, would like to see these features implemented, so please keep the rest of us updated as well.

  • chutz
    Community Member

    +1 for this request to let us request a download from the website on demand. I understand the feature is lacking to make audits easier, and I would be very happy to click on each item one by one to update the icons... as long as it is made slightly easier.

  • @mads and @chutz

    Thank you for the feedback! I've passed along your requests and comments to our Product team so that they can explore this further.


    ref: PB-33351842
    ref: PB- 33351922

  • @svish

    The issue that prevented 1Password from displaying rich icons in the item list has now been resolved as of the latest update! πŸŽ‰

    Please update to version 8.10.24 or later: How to keep 1Password up to date

    Thank you again for your patience and your report. If you still see the issue after updating and restarting 1Password then please let me know.


    ref: dev/core/core#18063

  • svish
    Community Member

    @Dave_1P That's great!

    Then it's just to allow us to initiate an icon download from a website left, and the icon feature of 1Password will be superb! πŸ˜πŸ‘

  • @svish

    Thanks again for the request and feedback. πŸ™‚


  • legowerewolf
    Community Member

    +1 - I'd like to be able to pull the icon automatically too.

  • Dave_1P
    edited January 2024


    Thank you for the request! I've passed it along to the team. πŸ™‚


    ref: PB-38018801

  • CaptainDDL
    Community Member

    I would love this feature as well.

    When I add a software license to my vault, I often fill in the download page or a URL field. If 1Password could pull in the site's Favicon, that would be wonderful.

    Otherwise allowing us to provide the URL to the image when changing the icon would be almost as convenient.


  • @CaptainDDL

    Thanks for the feedback, I've let the team know that you'd like to see this feature too.

    For the time being you can edit the item, click on the icon, and click Choose new icon to add a custom icon to the item from an image located on your device.

    If you're able to provide the names of the apps whose licenses you're adding to 1Password, I can file issues to have their icons added to our rich icon database so that they show up automatically for everyone.


    ref: PB-39001528

  • svish
    Community Member

    I'd just like to re-emphasize how terrible the current "solution" for adding custom icons is. Picking a custom icon by opening a file dialog and locating an image on the device is just not good UX. Like, who have icons on disk? Icons are on the web, and requiring to use a file picker for this, rather than just grabbing it from a web URL, means the user have to figure out where the icon is stored, which one has the good resolution, download it, and finally find it.

    Being able to just grab it from a URL would be so much more helpful, and make me actually want to use the custom icon feature. Having proper/correct icons for items is very helpful as ut helps in finding items faster and to verify that you have the right item, but the way it's currently implemented, I just don't want to use the feature. It's currently just too much of a hassle.

  • @svish

    Thanks again for the feedback. If you notice that 1Password is missing icons for certain apps or websites then you can report those here and the team and I will look into adding them to our rich icons database.

    Alternatively, if you don't want to post them on a public forum, you can send an email to support@1Password.com


  • svish
    Community Member
    edited April 2024

    I have literally hundreds of accounts in 1Password, and way more than half are missing an icon, even though most of them do have a URL with a favicon. Many of them most likely also do have a manifest and a high-res icon. So, a "please try fetch a high quality icon for all my items currently without one"-button would be great.

    Sending them to you guys, one-by-one, is not something I feel like spending time on πŸ₯΄

  • @svish

    Understood. While I can't make any promises, your request and comments have been passed along to the team. πŸ™‚


    ref: PB-39181204

  • Cappe
    Community Member

    I would love this feature.
    Maybe also add a function to fetch (and update is necessary) them all.
    There are a lot of updated favicons out there.

  • Dave_1P
    edited August 2024


    Thank you for the feedback, I've filed it with the team internally.

    There are a lot of updated favicons out there.

    If you post websites where you see an outdated icon in 1Password here, I can have our team update that icon. πŸ™‚


    ref: PB-41751711

  • chutz
    Community Member

    It seems that the Windows 11 "Open" dialog supports URLs. So when I "Choose new icon..." in 1Passowrd I can paste the URL to the actual favicon. Finding the URL is still a bit annoying, but at least saves me the find favicon URL -> download -> choose icon -> find where I saved it -> then delete, to be just find favicon URL -> choose icon -> paste URL

  • @chutz

    Thank you for sharing. πŸ™‚
