1Password Chrome Extension blocking onBlur event (bug)

When 1Password Chrome Extension is on, onBlur events will not fire from input with label named email. I have a code-sandbox (react) with the issue. https://codesandbox.io/s/material-ui-email-focus-bug-gfccrk?file=/src/App.js

Steps to reproduce
1. Make sure 1Password is enabled
2. Go to code-sandbox
3. Tab through inputs
4. look at consol and you will see that onBlur never logs anything

I orrignially noticed this while working with material UI and flagged the issue to them. here is the link.https://github.com/mui/material-ui/issues/34969

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • rossipedia
    Community Member

    Just lost 2 hours of productivity today due to tracking this down. I understand these things happen, and I don't hold it against 1password, but still... pretty annoying.

  • BrendanR1P
    edited November 2022

    Hi @nicksaravia and @rossipedia

    Thanks for reaching out to us and reporting this issue.

    I've logged an issue with our development team to make them aware of this issue. When we receive an update from them regarding this issue, we'll be sure to let you know.


    -- Brendan

    ref: dev/core/core#18342

  • nicksaravia
    Community Member

    @BrendanR1P Thank you so much for the help!

  • jackieosborn
    Community Member

    Following this thread - would love to know when this is fixed!

  • jimarment
    Community Member

    +1 to being impacted by this.

    I'm seeing this on a zip code and credit card field. I suspect the issue happens to any input that 1password tries to help out with.

  • MyPrefNameIsGone
    Community Member

    Same here. Can have significant side affects for apps that do work on blur.

  • MyPrefNameIsGone
    Community Member

    Any update on this?

  • techi
    Community Member

    I can confirm this issue. Our in app e-mail validation does no longer trigger with blur event. I had to make workaround by handling both blur and change event which is not blocked.

  • coorasse2
    Community Member

    This just cost me two hours of work.

  • MyPrefNameIsGone
    Community Member

    I sent a Support Request to 1Password on this. But they just gave some vague response about working on it without a timeline. I'm guessing this is a relatively easy fix but has far-reaching implications.

  • uooq
    Community Member

    OMG I spent half the day going NUTS trying to narrow this down... major bug in our app blocking user registration. I had NO IDEA but as soon as I googled "1password onblur" I found this...

    How do I tell 1Password to ignore my inputs? I am reading this thread and it seems like there's no way to tell 1P to leave my fields alone

  • MyPrefNameIsGone
    Community Member

    Yes, this can have significant side affects for apps that do work on blur. @BrendanR1P – what's the status on this?

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hey everyone, our developers have come up with a fix for this one. However, it is not yet publicly available. When it is available, it will come to the beta version of the extension first.

    I recommend installing the beta version of the extension from here: https://support.1password.com/betas/#install-a-beta-release-of-the-1password-extension

    I also recommend keeping up with our release notes so that you can catch when the fix is available: https://releases.1password.com/b5x/beta

    Let us know if you have any other questions!

  • jasimon9
    Community Member
    edited December 2022

    I just found this problem. It is slightly different so I am passing the details along in the hope that it will be helpful.

    • Only affects Safari for me. Chrome is not affected.
    • Field name in my case is email1, not email
    • In looking into web inspector > elements > put cursor on line in DOM > Node (in rightmost panel), noticed that the blur function showed injected.js:17:261207. I saw elsewhere in Dev Tools that this file is associated with 1Password. (See screen shots--sample code that can demonstrate the issue; in this version the field was named "email", but it is "email1" in my production code that gets the same issue).

This discussion has been closed.